When the twins took a look around the Drunken Dragon, they noticed that the tavern was as you would expect from a backwater town like Myrskyburg; it leaked in a couple of holes in the corners, and smelled of fish, sweat and beer. In various tables were sailors and fishermen drinking and gambling, and in one corner table there was a group of griffins huddled together who exuded the kind of danger only cutthroat pirates could. One of them threw a dagger at what looked like a crude drawing of Kaaos, hitting it right between the eyes. Some of them noticed the twins as they took their seats, and the gaze of their eagle eyes was like under the observation of a predator about to pounce on a rodent. However, their attention didn't last, and they resumed their game of poker. The bartender was a djinn with a long beard that floated in the air like a wisp of smoke. He was cleaning a beer mug when Sark went to talk to him. [quote=@TeddyThePsycho] Deciding to try a slightly more subtle approach, Sark got up and took a seat by the bar, asking for a glass of water. After drinking some, he turned to the bartender, waiting for him to not seem busy, and begun. " Tell me sir, for I am troubled.. These waters, they bring many things with the tides, but can they take thing away? can they as the tide goes, take my troubles away?" The old looking man turned to Sark with an expression of mixed confusion and amusement and gave a fairly simple reply. "Well, i'm not sure quite what you mean.. But, for a troubled mind, a good mug of beer is the best medicine" Seizing his opportunity, he hid a smile in his sandy skin and replied. "True.. but a beer can't let me start over, undo my mistakes.. it can't let me begin again" with that he went silent and waited. [/quote] It was hard to notice, but there was a glint in his eyes as he heard his kinsman's words, before resuming his glass-cleaning. "We all make mistakes in life," he responded. "But it's the wise people who learn from them and move on." He noticed that Annelie was eavesdropping on their conversation, so he leaned a bit over to Sark, looking like he was focused on scraping the bottom of the mug, and spoke in a low voice so she couldn't hear. "He's waiting. Don't worry, you're gonna be in good TK*, lad." The door to the back door was then opened, as if by itself, and Sark disappeared through it. [quote=@Eodwyn Aether] He slowly went up to the bar “Hey bartender guess what. Me wife caught me cheating wit another woman. Could you imagine me luck? Well I guess its time to begin again am I right?” He said as he let out a huge, fake, laugh and took in the inn and everyone in it. [/quote] The other patrons of the tavern took a puzzled look at the exuberant man, before resuming their business, but one drunken sailor did raise a beer to his words, before he passed out. The bartender gave a chuckle. "True, true. There's nothing in life like a woman scorned." He then leaned over. "You're pretty smart for a human." Once again, he discreetly opened the door to the back room, and Eodwyn passed through it. Meanwhile, at one of the far tables of the tavern was an odd sight that drew a bit of attention from the patrons, human ones in particular: a djinn girl in the company of a human wench. The wench was conflicted, not sure of what to think of the situation due to mostly serving rugged men, but kept on smiling while holding the girl in her warm lap. [hr] Beyond the back door was a dimly lit room with a long table set sideways in the middle. The back wall was pinned full of maps and scrolls, while the side walls were draped in black curtains. The blue-hooded human that sat at the other side of the table had his face shrouded by the combination of the hood and the surrounding shadows. He wore an armlet on his left arm which had a worn out insignia of some sort, and calmly clasped his fingers when Sark arrived. The man spoke in a polite tone, yet there was age and roughness in his voice. "We will begin once the others have arrived. You must have travelled a far journey, so feel free to take a seat." He spoke again when Eodwyn arrived soon after. "Ah, another has arrived. Please take a seat. Once the last person has arrived I will explain why you are here."