Peggy looked up at the girl who had just recently showed. The first thing she noticed was her unusual accent, well fitted physique and her exotic face. An obvious off-worlder, she thought. She tried knocking too, taking her advice. No response. [color=fff79a]"I guess we'll have to wait then." [/color]The girl introduced herself as Louisa.[@Mr_pink] [color=fff79a]"I'm Automation 1 800-- I mean Peggy. My name is Peggy."[/color] She still wasnt used to calling herself by a human name, except for Grace, who gave her the name Peggy.[color=fff79a] "I was invited by a superhero called Kidflash, he said I could help more people by joining."[/color] She was obviously new to this whole human aspect of verbal communication, but with little steps, she's getting there.