[color=00a99d][i]They want me to gather food like some sort of cargo dwarf......[/i][/color] Halen said to no one in particular he looked around the tavern he was in, littered with failed cutthroats and drunks. This was not scene he liked but was very familiar with, half elves are always pushed to the worst part of every town and alehouses like this are the meeting spots for said people. He saw the one named [b]Lucien[/b] guzzling cheap ale before getting up. [color=00a99d][i]But then I suppose its better than hanging around a poorly lit tavern like a dwarf...[/i][/color] Halen sneered as he left through the front door with [b]Ruinil[/b] not to far behind. The store house wasn't too far from the tavern but the awkward first meeting they had would make the journey feel like an eternity. Halen did his best try and not be anti social and say something... [color=00a99d][i]You spoke some sort of elven language before, is it wood elven, high elven or dark elven? my brother was a prince but he never told me the difference. I suppose I never thought it mattered.[/i][/color] Suddenly rabbit jumped out from the back of one of the houses on the street they were on, it was grey and juicy looking. Halen didn't even think twice, in a flash his bow was out and [b]thwipp![/b] an arrow was shot right though the rabbit's neck. Halen went to pick it up and turned to Ruinil [color=00746b]Easier to carry than a bag of grain....[/color] Some commotion could be heard in the distance, it sounded like the village militia had just found someone at the gates, Halen's ears pricked up momentarily.