Not everyone was so lucky to ride in from parts unknown. Cora, meanwhile, was in an old Leaguer's room, now mostly just dust and a defunct door. She wondered if the member had died, but scratched the thought as there was nothing in here. No dust rings or hand prints, not even any evidence that some had ever lived here. Cora decided to lay down on the bed again and stare at the ceiling. At some point during her staring at the ceiling she must have fallen asleep because she woke to knocking at the broken door. Cora rose slowly, walking over and checking that everything was in place. Collar? A quick touch confirmed that it was on. Painful metal face plates? Check, she didn't even have to check thanks to the pinpricks of pain, but she did it out of habit anyway. The door slid open in it's creaky, slow way and Batman stood behind it. He looked impatient, but then Cora figured he always looked impatient and cranky. Did the man ever sleep, she wondered quietly. "It's time," he said in his usual Batman voice. "You know the rules?" "I had nothing else to do but memorize them." They hadn't even really given her anything but the paper with the rules and a bed, so she wasn't exaggerating. "Good. Then we go to the Zeta beam transporters." The walk was short, but it was probably best to move her quickly out of the Watchtower. While Doctor Fate had vouched for her, most of the other few remaining members were quick to tease her or insult her. Cora could bear it with quiet dignity, but nobody knew if anything said could set her off. So they walked in silence, and quickly left on the transporters. She arrived in the cove shortly after Robin -she thought he was trying to be called Nightwing now- and Aqualad had left it, the Zeta beam was fading as they entered, and Cora wished she'd been given someone at least a little less... grim. She felt -and probably looked- like a prisoner that was being transported down to the cave for questioning or to be locked up there. Batman moved past her and Cora trailed along quietly. At least the cave was homey, she figured. She could pretend that it was one of those court ordered home lockdown things. Soon they arrived at a boy working at a bunch of computers. Before Batman could speak she said, "hello, I'm your new live-in demon. You can call me Exile or Cora. Or if you really want you can call me your new slave." [@gamer5910]