Alexandrovich was ready to go and meet the Young Justice team for the first time. Even though he still wasn't sure how this team situation would work out it was his ticket to learning to become more powerful and he would need that if his dream was to become a reality. After getting dressed in his costume and sucking the radiation back into his body so that he left no contamination, Alexandrovich left his home and took off into the air using his radioactive flight ability. Because it was a sunny day with barely a cloud in the sky he was able to fly at high speed towards the old base for the Justice League. While he flew Alexandrovich wondered what kind of training and missions they would undertake as a team. He just hoped that his teammates were super modern American like the ones he had scene on the modern device known as the T.V. For the most part his understanding of the modern age wasn't too hard, but it didn't help with the constant feeling that he didn't belong in this age. But even back in his own time things wouldn't really be any better thanks to his family being dead and Russia being under control of the murdering Reds and he would rather die then a part of that twisted nation that had destroyed his homeland and life. At least in this age communism had fallen in Russia, but he wasn't too much of a fan of the modern regime since it wasn't a monarchy and there wasn't as much of a respect for the Russian Orthodox Church as there use to be. After not too much traveling time, Alexandrovich saw Mount Justice quickly come into his sights and after a matter of seconds he found himself hovering over fifty feet above the entrance to the base and his high-tech goggle picked up his teammates' location close by and he flew down to meet them. Alexandrovich was still a little guarded when he landed a few feet away from them, but he needed to be polite and introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Alexandrovich Romanov, but you can call me Plutonium" he said to the others with a polite bow of his head. He wasn't sure if people still bowed in America, but he wasn't about to give up on his old fashion manners.