Conner watched as people began to arrive. It seemed like there were people of all kinds. A woman that seemed rather mechanical, another woman who at least seemed to look normal, then two men, one on a motorcycle and one in a Mustang. Conner didn't really know what to expect, actually, but he was definitely curious about these people. Kimberly was still distracted by the door, not noticing people were coming over until Louisa came over and knocked on the door. "Well, why would anyone just knock on a door like this?" Kimberly asked indignantly. Her question was left unanswered as the others arrived. Kimberly then went over to the vehicles and started to touch them, fascinated at the experience to actually see them up close and not just from a distance. The moment was cut short when Conner pulled her away. "Dont just go touching other people's things," Conner said. He looked over at the others and wanted to introduce themselves, but his nervousness got the better of him. Instead, he found a better solution. "Go, um, introduce us to them," Conner said to Kimberly. Kimberly knew exactly what Conner was trying to accomplish, having grown up with him, but she did it anyway. By that time, though, there were already more people coming around to introduce themselves. "Hi, my name's Kimberly! The dark broody guy next to me is Conner," Kimberly said cheerfully, which earned her a small elbow jab from Conner. "Nice to meet you all," Conner added, too nervous to make eye contact with anyone.