[@Lmpkio] [color=ec008c][b]Joylne Kujo [/b][/color] "So what do we do now?" The young women asked the wandering warrior,She was sure that he was right that they would be back probably with more villains coming after them. [color=92278f][b]Kars[/b][/color] Kars was looking at his surroundings enjoying himself that he was able to perhaps rise his zombie army to help take over this dimension,[i]"Now i think it's time to rise my own little army"[/i] Kars thought to himself putting his hand to the ground breathing softly and before long a small group of zombies like creatures came towards Kars. "Master...Kars..." They said in unison bowing their heads at the Piller Man,"Hello my servants...i want you for now to stay with the others and i will call for you when the time is right" Kars spoke pointing to the Goomba's and Koopa's wanting them to stay put for now until he needs them. "Well this is a nice looking device" Kars now looking at the device in his hand curiously like a child.He pit it on his wrist finding it will be of use to him.