After Plutonium introduced himself Ryan let a cocky smirk twist his lips around the stub of a cigarette and sketched a quick salute at the man. "Nice ta meetcha, Pluto," he said. He glanced at Kimberly as she practically started drooling over his bike and Gingers Mustang and nodded when she introduced herself and the kid with her. "Kim and Con, got it," he said, shortening both their names to a single syllable. He never was certain why he tended to shorten people's names, it was just a habit he'd had his whole life. "Seriously, who do we have ta kill ta get inside this place?" The last was said with a frown and a glare at the huge door. He stomped his way over and lifted one fist and brought it diem against the giant door. As his hand moved through the air a strange distortion could be seen surrounding it and his fist didn't actually stroke the door, just the distortion fix. The resulting strike was like a giant ringing a bell and the echoes could be heard reverberating through the mountain. He grinned and turned around. "That should get someone's attention."