Seamus raised a brow slightly at the man that had a fog of cigarette smoke hanging over him as he beckoned for Seamus to join the groups mingling and to do some sort of introduction, that and Seamus had spotted the intrigued look in his eyes as he observed his car. He listened to the man give the names that he would accept as his, Seamus found it interesting that he gave what sounded like his real name rather than some kind of super hero alias. He then turned his attention to one of the young women that were standing around the entrance when he arrived, she had spoken up about Ryan's comment about needing a key to get in and seemed to have taken it to heart. Seamus found it slightly amusing namely because it reminded him of his younger sister Sarah, she always had trouble picking up sarcasm when ever it was used. Seamus then noticed two other people of the group ogling his car, they seemed to be on the younger side of the age spectrum. They then introduced themselves, it looked like they were already familiar with each other. Soon after a man quite literally dropped in on the group, having seemingly flown here, and introduced himself with a bow, a pleasantry that Seamus respected. Seamus finally felt like he had to give in seeing as everyone else had done some sort of introduction, that and if he was going to be working with these people he was going to have to let them know who he was. [color=0054a6]"My name is Seamus."[/color] He said rather simply, his tone was not warm but by no means intended to be rude. It seemed right after he spoke the entrance they all had been waiting to open did just that. The voice that accompanied it was automatic yet soothing. Seamus turned on his heels and started to head inside.