After the announcement about the Young Justice was made and the door was opened, Kimberly yelled out, "Sweet!" and ran in after Louisa. "H-hey, Kimberly!" Conner called out as he ran after her. "Show some caution! We don't know what to expect here!" "It'll be [i]fiiine[/i]," Kimberly said, slowing down to let Conner catch up. "We're in a mountain base for superheroes, what's so dangerous about it?" "There hasn't been anyone to show us around or anything. A good base would have prepared that or something," Conner replied. Which begged the question, why wasn't there anyone waiting outside, or even behind the door, to begin a tour once everyone arrived or something? For all anyone knew, it could have been a trap. "I'm sure they're waiting inside for us to come in, now let's go!" Kimberly said, quickly catching up with Louisa. Upon their arrival, they spotted two people already inside, both of which neither recognized. "Hi!" Kimberly said, waving at the two.