[@Yidhra] [b]Asura [/b] Asura stared at Xellos a second longer. "Your here for more than just to say hello aren't you." Asura said calming down more. He didn't consider this man be a threat to himself anymore. He was a bit less tense when looking forward. "I'll take you up on my offer so long as you explain to me the true reason for coming to me, there are plenty of others you could have spoken to you know." Asura said looking down at Xellos, his arms by his side now in a non threatening mood. [u] [/u] [@Kael Taiyou][@LmpKio][@Gummi Bunnies][@Flamelord][@Eviledd1984] [b]Kirby[/b] Kirby looked at the others, many of them looked like they were exhausted after what just happened. "Poyo!" Kirby said to them, as he said this Kindle shot out of his mouth again. "I thought as much." Kindle said looking at Kirby before looking at the others. "Kirby says that he knew one of those figures that attacked us. The one that looked like a giant turtle with spikes on his back was named Bowser." Kindle said, Kirby then spoke again. "Poyo Poyo Uwa!" Kirby said. "Kirby also says that Bowser was said to be called the 'King Koopa' Comes from a place called the mushroom kingdom. Kirby seems to have fought this creature before, or at least a copy of him, from one of the universes he's visited before known as the Smash Bros Universe." Kindle finished, at this point Kirby fell silent again. That was until a distinct growling sound could be heard from Kirby. "Oh." Kirby said while stracting the back of his head. "Kirby is hungry." Kindle said, though it was obvious that Kirby was hungry anyways.