Alex continued to curiously watched her blushing friend. Naisha didn't usually act like this. Well... maybe around Cottenhead but still it wasn't often. Just usually when she really had something on her mind and it was quite embarrassing. It didn't seem to be exactly a nightmare, so Alex wasn't quite as concerned and was more then willing to poke fun at her friend. When the mage-in-training confirmed it was indeed a embarrassing dream before complaining over Alex mentioning one of her friend's most embarrassing dreams, Alex simply laughed and shrugged innocently. [color=red]"Well can't help but mention it when your making a face like that! It's one of the few that got you all flustered so badly. And hey... I could name quite a few more!"[/color] Alex smirked almost devishly, snickering softly before calming as Naisha continued. Tilting her head to the side curiously as Naisha spoke, saying this particular embarrassing dream wasn't the naked in town one. What was more curious was the way Naisha seemed almost hesitant to look at the underdressed red head. Yet at the same time, had her eyes wandering over the tall girl in quick little subtle glances. Finally, Naisha finally managed to utter what was her dream, though it was hard to ear if one wasn't paying attention. It took a moment for the words to sink in, Alex's blue orbs blinking slowly, then rapidly... processing the words. Her face immediately turned crimson and she coughed a bit, choking on her own words as she was about to shout out her surprise. Kissing?! The two of them kissing?! Like the grown ups?! That was odd. What a bizarre dream to have. Yet it was still just a dream, it probably didn't mean anything... after all, they were friends, both girls, and Alex wasn't really... well what people wanted anyways. Still, the mere thought reddened the taller girl's face, lips tightening together thoughtfully. Deciding to play it cool and just take it as a funny dream, Alex gave a smirk, thought it was a little shyer then confident cocky one she had not too long ago. [color=red]"G-Geez Nai! I know I'm more of a man then any of the boys here, but who knew you wanted to lay a kiss on me! Can't wait to let the boys know of this when they get back this summer! They'll know they don't stand a chance being your boyfriend."[/color] Alex said in a bit of a stammer, but managed to return to her teasing tone. Walking out of the water, shaking some droplets off and she strutted over to her friend, leaning her upper body foreword and gently but teasingly pinched her friends cheeks. Face to face with Naisha with a big grin on her face.