[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ysz81yp.png[/img][/right] [img]http://i.imgur.com/q4B5ycC.jpg[/img][h3][COLOR=VIOLET]TEAM EGGPLANT[/COLOR][/h3] [i]Several Hours Ago[/i] Preparations had been put in place. Someone else would run the store. It felt wrong, but what could Emma do? She didn't want to leave Forivel's legacy into uncertain hands, but she at least vetted the replacement. She closed the shop for the last time, at least as it would be in her tenure. It was bitter, but she had no time to waste crying over it. She had to prepare for their journey, and there were still goodbyes to be said. She headed to her parents home. She spent the majority of her time living here, and the rest at the cramped bedroom at the back of the shop. She entered the front door, coming into a rather uneventful domestic scene. Her family had been assembled, which was lucky, because Emma had not told them she was leaving. No one took special notice of her entrance, because it was typical for her to come home at this time. No one took notice of the pack on her back either. It had been filled with all she would need, important medicinal plants and remedies, clothing, a journal and writing utensils, food. She intended to write a book of the plants beyond the wall and their uses. It was a serviceable reason, no one would ask why she was leavening, no one would know she was running from guilt. She cleared her throat, and said rather casually, [color=517BAE]"I'm leaving with the Traveler today."[/color] What happened after that didn't matter. They were surprised, then they said tearful goodbyes, and Emma left. She only had one more person to say goodbye to. She found herself on a windy path, taking measured steps. She was in the Botanical Gardens. She was saying goodbye to her favorite place- and her mentor. Forivel always wanted to be buried among the plants. It was a secluded grove, surrounded by trees planted in his honor. He was well liked by the other botanists. She kneeled in front of the headstone, placing her hand upon it. She didn't need to say anything, but the tears she had been holding back finally came. When it came to be time she found herself on the path to the gate. She knew it would be a long time before she saw Enn again. As she came upon the gate she saw several faces she recognized- Meryn, Lux, Theodore, Roy, and...? There was a blond haired girl that looked markedly familiar, but Emma couldn't place her. [color=517BAE][i]...Unless? No way.[/i][/color] She knew who it was. Sanaa Dufor. She remembered her from when she had delivered the medicine to the Dufor Estate. Emma was frozen, still out of sight, breathing wildly. [color=517BAE][i]No way. No way. This isn't happening. This can't be. Why? Why would she go with the Traveler? This was supposed to be a fresh start. This isn't fair.[/i][/color] The fact that Lux was also here made it all the worse. She remembered talking with her about the Marquis' death last time she was in her shop. It was natural that she would be questioned, but she knew Lux didn't really suspect her. At least she thought she knew. They were friends, after all. Emma had to get it together. She tried to calm herself, but she still felt like a mess. She couldn't lose this chance- not even if Sanaa was here. She wouldn't get another chance to leave the city. She approached the group, deciding to engage with Lux. She approached the girl, waving at her, [color=517BAE]"H-h-hey Lux! If it isn't my favorite detective! Are you going along with the Traveler?" [/color] She tried to sound calm. She really did. But, if anything, she drew more attention to herself. She tripped over her words, something very atypical of her, and she obviously sounded nervous. Thank god the Traveler came. He divided them into groups. Sanna, Lux, Roy, someone she did not know. [color=517BAE][i]How can I be this unlucky.[/i][/color] She tried to address her group, who had possessed the auspicious name of Eggplant. [color=517BAE]"Hey everyone."[/color] She said, putting on her best smile. She was a little calmer by now. [color=517BAE]"I already know most of you, but I'm Emma."[/color] She was doing her best to avoid the gaze of Sanaa Dufor. [@Skittles] [@t2wave] [@Darinthus] [@Vee]