[b]Isaac Helms, Garching, Germany[/b] Isaac knew that possessing the city without the means to make use of it was rather pointless. Without power the amenities within would be useless, and while some structures might provide fortification against attack, the rest would go unused. A waste of resources. He had discussed with EVR on what the next course of action should be, and the AI revealed that the nearest power plant was a mere twenty minute ride by car from Munich. The town of Garching was also apparently home to many advanced institutes of science. In the confessor's own world whatever works had been planned or researched within those halls were moved or lost when much of Europe became inhospitable to human life. Now would be a chance to see them for himself, and perhaps gain a glimpse into the works of the people who had once owned this world. So, he went about the task of hot-wiring another vehicle and making the short trip to Garching. The town itself was rather quaint, the more ancient of the architecture suffering from the ravages of time here and there, but still sturdy in their construction. The 'Nuclear Egg' as the plant was apparently known in its day, must have been quite important to the research held there, even the town's coat of arms depicted it. Eventually Isaac had wandered his way into what was apparently Hochschul- und Forschungszentrum, the center of all the research according to EVR. [color=darkred]Confessor, there are readings of a faint, unrecognized signal coming from the Max Planck Institute of Astrophysics. Suggest investigation.[/color] Shrugging, Isaac followed the AI's directions to the research center and unsurprisingly much of what was within was without power or in disrepair after who knew how long. Eventually, he did come across a device of rather foreign design and he surmised (based on it being the only electronic device to have power) that it must have been the cause of the signal. The machine was an atypically designed terminal of some sort, the many dials, switches, charts, and other controls were utterly alien to the Confessor, he was no Sabetour or Engineer after all. "EVR, if I were to have you interface with the device, could you determine it's purpose and methods of operation?" In Isaac's mind, surely something deserving of an independent power source was worth investigating thoroughly. [color=darkred]It would be possible. This technology, while foreign does not appear overly advanced in its construction.[/color] With a nod, Isaac searched for any form of interface device on the console, finally succeeding after minutes of prodding and probing various other ports on the console. Following the EVR's instructions on linking the datapad with the specific port, soon the AI went silent and a chirping cascade of hard data began to stream down the device's screen. [color=darkred] Syncing. Downloading. Processing. Analyzing. This device acts as a relay between the stars, much like the blessed tower built by the Visitors. It appears to transcend beyond both space and time, opening the way to parallel realities outside our own.[/color] "Is there any way we might contact the Brotherhood on our own Earth, in our own time?" [color=darkred]Possible? Yes. I will compare secure Nod signals with those received by the terminal. Searching.[/color] while the AI went to work searching for their home, the confessor knelt upon the floor, his head lowered and hands clasped together. He prayed for deliverance unto his flock, for them to share in the bounty gifted to them by Kane, who in his wisdom must have foresaw this. Yes, this was the world for those who had not been chosen, where they would fight and build to prove themselves worthy to him. Isaac had been chosen to forgo their home in the stars for this purpose, to show them that redemption was still possible in the eyes of the Prophet. When EVR had finally finished its search, over an hour had passed, Isaac had fallen into a trance, and Tiberium fumes filled the room. [color=darkred]Contact made, secure channel requires identification to proceed.[/color] Isaac stood and cleared his throat before speaking. "This is Grand Confessor Isaac Helms, commander of the Black Hand." [color=darkred]... Accepted. LEGION awaits your message. Welcome back, commander.[/color]