Percy was wary of the rain - not specifically because of the the rain itself, or even how rare it was, but for the possibility it being [i]acid rain.[/i] It'd really fuck with the NCs if that was the case. It could just be his paranoia, but he keeps it in mind nonetheless.. Especially since the fucker mentioned it. Even if it's not acid rain, he has to be act fast, be precise, and [i]not[/i]. fuck. up. He did his damnedest to make sure the train was safe, firing more burst-missiles at the Champ. Whatever was being broadcast on his comms, he just shut it off. He needs to focus. His missiles didn't hit the Champ a majority of the time - partly because of his shaking and racing thoughts, but mostly because the fucker wouldn't just [i]stay still.[/i] As the Champ got ever-closer, he switched from missiles to his rifle so shrapnel didn't affect Jingo, the train, or himself. This mission isn't going bad if he can help it. The pilot of the B.C. stopped her barage, meekly mumbled things over the comms as she dodged the last of Percy's missiles and began (fumblingly) dodging his rifle fire. It was seemingly a series of denials, and perhaps fear. She stopped completely, giving Percy a few free shots at her NC before she snapped out of it and continued. The armored trains' plasma-based defenses charged for another barrage and did a relatively slow 90 degree turn, allowing all three of its' right turrets to fire at the assailant. The B.C. dodged two of the shots, the third impacting. [color=f7941d]"F-f... Forget it! Forget it! This is going worse than planned! F... fuck you guys!"[/color] said a quivering young womans' voice. [color=d3d3d3]"Fuck you too, good riddance!"[/color] Percy shot back. If he wasn't irritable, he might have noticed she sounded genuinely afraid and would have definitely laid off the insults. [color=f7941d]"Eat shit!"[/color] she said futilely while gaining distance. She charged her thrusters to full power after a bit and left the combat zone. ...That was easy. Percy grinned. He must've scared the pilot off, meaning nobody on either side died (that he knew of, at least). This mission is going smoothly.. Almost [i]too [/i]smoothly. He chalks up the sudden unease to him just thinking too hard about this.