Tristan watches the woman and she kicks off her shoes and watched her carefully [color=39b54a]"Seems like I'll have to get serious now.."[/color] He notices her attention being drawn towards something else as he glanced behind him to see the band of pirate's rushing towards them. [color=39b54a]"well looks like I'll be heading to the pier as well."[/color] He turns back to her just as she rushed at him and landed her foot on his chest giving him no time to react as she pushes away from him [color=39b54a]" nngh..not bad...looks like I'll have to be more careful next time we meet.."[/color] He groans softly and rubs the spot on his chest where her foot made contact coughing a bit before taking a deep breath and stretching put. Tristan planted his feet tighter in the ground after putting his cloak back on [color=39b54a]"well here we the re battle truly starts.." [/color] He dashes off towards the pier at suprisingly speeds.