I'm interested by the concept of this so I'm just gonna toss this up to see how it goes: [hider=WIP]Name: Leonard "Doughboy" Russell [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at around 5'10 and of an average build, Leonard looks like your average farmhand at a glance. He possesses a pair of hard, brown eyes and short, sharp brown hair whilst he does his best to keep his jaw clean-shaven. His skin's been bronzed from years working out in the sun and the most obvious sign of injury from the war is the mess that is a discoloured wreath of twisted flesh caused by severe burns that runs up his left arm to his shoulder, then down his back. He wears a farmhand's overalls but also keeps a Colt SAA Civilian model holstered on his hip, a personal effect he's seldom seen without. [b]Personality:[/b] From the get go, it's clear Leonard has little time to deal with other people's shit (especially stockbrokers) and prefers to see a job through rather than whine about it. He dislikes leaving a job half-done and would sooner work his fingers to the bone than cut corners as some might do in these times - another little trait he picked up from the army. He has a certain fondness for animals, particularly dogs and horses, and for a man of the time harbours no dislike or prejudice towards people of colour due to seeing them among the ranks of the American Expeditionary Force during the war, though he doesn't like Germans for obvious reasons and hates being near fire. Due to his time in the war and the experiences he went through, sudden, loud noises have a tendency to startle him due to the memories of shelling and gunfire it resembles. As a consequence of this, he's found it difficult to function in the loud, cramped environment of the US industrial complex and instead prefers the hard, if relatively quiet work of life on the farmstead. That aside, he also gives off an aura of a man who's constantly on his guard - something which contributes to his hard-nosed appearance and is related to the nightmare flashbacks he occasionally experiences. [b]History:[/b] Hailing from the docks of New York, Leonard learned to work with his hands from an early age yet yearned for something else and when the US became involved in the Great War, he lied about his age and enlisted in the USMC whilst still underage. Yet his time overseas left him with the traumas that one would expect from a boy exposed to the horrors of the Western Front whilst still learning about the world. By the time he returned home, Leonard was a different man scarred both inside and out, and soon found the burden of returning to and living changing New York too great to bear and, like many other returning veterans, felt out of place in society. Unable to function in the cramped, noisy environment of the docks or the American industrial complex, he headed out towards the rural areas and made a living wherever he could, working with his hands and getting on with it as any other man would. By the time he was up in Eastport he'd grown accustomed to this life. [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=green]Green.[/color] [b]Traits:[/b][/hider]