Almost nobody had noticed Peggy slipped into the headquarters, for she was far too distracted admiring the awestrucking establishment. She wandered around, room by room, then paused by the workshop area. She felt giddy at the sight of various materials and equipments neatly displayed on a glass shelf. Boxes of metal scraps piled next to a computer terminal, and at the center of the room is a metal crafting table, huge enough to fit a reclined body. With these, she could better upgrade her parts, even craft a light armored suit with built in utilities or even better, a built in ipod. She took her time scanning the room, fiddling with anything she can get her hands on. Hearing Chris's voice from the other side of the room, she remembered that she had new friends to meet. She walked out, still admiring the heaven she was just in, and to the merry crew. After all, if she were to live as normal and not weird as possible, she should start by making a good first impression. She appeared at the group, just behind Chris. He turned around when the group looked way past behind him, and saw Peggy looking blankly at him. Chris returned with a confused stare. This was going well. Before things got more awkward she finally said. [color=fff79a]"Hi. I'm Peggy." [/color] Yep. So far so good. [color=fff79a]"Peggy Little. Formerly Automation 1 80043-1, I was an unfinished product of the mad scientist's Professor Ivo and T.O Morrow. I was resumed by Dr. James Little, who mainly used me as a means of housing his own mind together with a superweapon that will ultimately destroy the Justice Legue. "[/color] Ok, that was too much information, and very unnecessary. Peggy shifted, realizing what she just said, and she looked at her friends with assurance. [color=fff79a]"But I wont do such a thing. I'm not evil like him, I truly want to help people." [/color]