[h2][color=6ecff6]Kaitlyn DeRoe[/color][/h2] [@hatakekuro][@Zarkun] [b]Location:[/b] Phoenix Wing Hotel [color=6ecff6]"Ugh, and I really wanted to see some cool magic before I hit the hay."[/color] As she say Nolan leave, she pouted for a moment until jumping into the air as if being alerted to something. A communication lacrima appeared in her hand and turned around to try to get some privacy. The conversation wasn't long, but she quickly turned around to Damian. [color=6ecff6]"Apparently Dru wants me to return for something. I guess we'll have to continue our meeting again some other day. So I suppose I'll see you later Mr. Phoenix's Blade."[/color] After her cheerful good bye, the Saint left the hotel and made her towards Crocus's Castle. [h2][color=0076a3]Wes Gusto[/color][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Mountainous Outskirts of Crocus The wizard traveled for several weeks searching and eventually found his way near Crocus. He was tempted to enter the city, but when night was approaching soon, he decided to stay the night outside the city. As his campfire produced a nice amount of light to provide enough warmth and energy. Lying down ground and gazing at the stars, he wondered what Shutler was planning ever since the day and stole and ran away with some of Taris's research.