[h2]Primal Boy[/h2] Red was stalking a deer in the forest of the area surrounding the Young Justice HQ and he kept quite and low to the ground in preparation for his pounce. He gave a low growl and then lounged at his prey. With his superhuman speed Red easily took down the animal with a massive hit and then snapped the beast's neck. He then started to tear into the animal's flesh and began to eat. Half way through his meal Red then realized that today was the time to meat the Team as Hawkman had told him and he had almost completely forgot. Red got up from the carcass and quickly took off towards the base at top speed. It didn't take long for him to reach the entrance and not really understanding where to go he pretty much came crashing into HQ in his excitement. He got back up on his feet and began to look around excitedly. Red then noticed his teammates and gave them all a friendly wave. "Hi! I'm Red, but from now on you can call me Primal Boy" he said as fresh blood dripped from his mouth and his clothes were also stained with deer blood. It looked like he had come from a massacre out of some slasher film. Red of course was too excited to notice his frightening appearance and instead just gave a wide grin. --- Alexandrovich was startled by Red's sudden entrance and guessed that there had to have been a late arrival. What was strange about this one was his very young appearance, he didn't even look like he was a teenager yet. [i]So we're to be babysitters now,[/i] he thought to himself and crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at Red's introductions. He was a little disturbed by the boy's obliviousness to his bloody appearance and he wondered whose blood was on him. "Hello, try to be careful with such an entrance and not crash into to someone" he said to the boy hero and turned to pay attention to the others' conversations.