Hayate noticed the 2 people he was considering to invite started to trade cards with each, after noticing Ethel leaving Hayato sighed slightly disappointed "[color=dc143c]well you can spread the word i'll start by asking around here, You were Ethel's opponent once right? You wanna try asking her? Though... i think she will be hard to convince[/color]" Hayato responded to Haas scratched his head and looked around the arena and quickly decided to just go to the closest person he could see and walked to Floyd "[color=dc143c]Yo, erm... Floyd right? Me and my fellow duelists here decided to go for some food after our long duel and i decided i wanted to have some more people to join us, you care to join? you are bound to be hungry after the duel this early in the morning[/color]" Hayato never was good at starting conversations and just instead of starting with idle chit chat just jumped to the point, If she wasnt acting as Hayato she'd be more willing to start with idle chit chat "[color=dc143c]it'll be fun, maybe we can duel there, on the table like how me and my parents did it. oh yeah i'm paying for the food, maybe you want to get some sweets with me?[/color]" Hayato started to suggest dueling and getting sweets though really Hayato shouldnt really be talking about sweets Hayate was in the mood of it and couldnt really hide it