instead of writing up a post to use as soon as timeskip happens I did more OC meme fuckery [hider=yeh][b]What is your OC's halloween costume?[/b] Rui: some anime character, actually put effort into it Matt: another anime character, did not put effort into it Kotori: some lame thing she bought at the store Leiko: a character literally nobody else knows Kami: police officer because duh Gen: made up excuse but actually just forgot to make one Ryan: Door-kun Akane: some street fighter char Toma: Bartender Ayano: obscure anime character only she cares about Sato: halloween is for chHILDREN And HE IS NOT A CHILDREN Noboru: a ghost because fuck you Alexai: something to match his sister's costume Chiaki: popular anime character Shizu: crossdresses as her fav yaoi husband Jun: who knows. she won't explain it and nobody gets it. Masahide: an inanimate object Sieg: something kinda generic Mako: says he dresses up as himself but really just didn't care Maskboy: nobody knows b/c he didn't show up to the party [b]which part of ur otp unironically calls themselves “a fucking delight” and which one immediately snorts?[/b] a fucking delight: Noboru, Roku, Matt, Akane, Mako snorts: Chiaki, Sato, Rui, Toma [b]your oc in short shorts[/b] imagine any of the following for this one: alexai, noboru, rokurou, chiaki, akane, shizu [b]Which OC is really enthusiastic about light up shoes?[/b] Sieg is positively infatuated with them. he wears them into dungeons and everyone's secretly jealous when he curbstomps shadows with his sketchers on. [b]which oc should have another oc roll up a newspaper and hit them with it everytime they do something bad[/b] does something bad: matt, gen, noboru hits them with a newspaper: rui, jun, chiaki, leiko [b]has your oc fucked up really bad, like, [i]really[/i] bad?[/b] this one time Shizu had to sign something but she didn't give the pen back and nobody noticed so she took it and to this day she hasn't gone back there [b]Imagine person A of your OTP buying an ice cream because of the unbearable summer heat. As they turn away from the ice cream stand they bump into person B, getting the ice cream all over B’s shirt. Person A is embarrassed and insists on helping B clean their shirt and buying them an ice cream as an apology because they “got ice cream all over your shirt” while person B insists on buying person A a new ice cream because they “got my shirt all over your ice cream”. The final solution is up to you.[/b] person A: Kotori, Sato, kami person B: GEN, noboru, sieg they end up getting eachother new icecream and become the New Otp(tm) [b]you’re so stoic or deadpan most of the time but when your get flustered your face lights up red like a beacon and it’s so cute.[/b] a l e x a i [b]you’re such a bum getting up late all the time but you always greet me by wrapping your hands around my waist and just get dressed already[/b] uh fuck..... kami. [b]you have no idea what personal space is and it’s really distracting when your face is two inches away from mine, what if i turn my head and accidentally kiss you[/b] Jun, Roku, Rui [b]your music choice is so bad but your undeniably yet irritatingly cute when you bop your head along[/b] RYAN, Noboru [b]you don’t like snuggling or a lot of touching but when you’re asleep you’re a cuddler for better or for worse[/b] Mako, Leiko?? (also as a side note I imagine Alexai would be like... the most snuggly guy. like he just always bugs you with cuddles) [b]which oc is always lyin’ …. why the fuck they lyin’… mmm oh my god stop fucking lyin’[/b] masahide, sato, alexai, SHIZU [b]Pokemon GO “Look I know this is a really nice restaurant, but there is a piplup RIGHT OVER THERE and I NEED it are you going to help me or aren’t you” au[/b] Person at really nice restaurant that needs that piplup: Ayano, Sato, RUI, Masahide Person that is considering helping endearingly problematic friend: Toma, Matt, Mako, Sieg [b]Which one in your otp has no concern for their personal health and forgets to eat or sleep, and which one is always worried and lecturing the other about health and safety and not wanting to lose them over something stupid so just for the love of God will you please eat something it’s been 2 days[/b] M A S A H I D E, Roku [b]Who dominates at Mariokart and who’s the sore loser who sulks after they lose?[/b] dominates: Chiaki, Ayano, Matt, Rui sore loser: Leiko, Sato, Mako [b]who becomes a baby when they get sick and who plays it off like it's nothing?[/b] babies: Shizu, Ryan plays it off: ALEXAI, Jun, Kotori, Leiko [b]Who surprises their significant other with flowers and a date?[/b] Alexai, Toma, Kami, Mako [b]Who uses crappy pickup lines?[/b] MATT, Noboru, JUN, Sieg, Gen [b]who would be a strict/serious parent?[/b] ALEXAI, Mako, Ryan?, Leiko [b]at a beach, who would lounge under the sun and who would go swimming?[/b] lounges: Shizu, Leiko, Kami, Ayano, Ryan, Alexai, Jun, Masahide, Mako swims: Noboru, Sato, Chiaki, Matt, Rui, Akane, Gen, Sieg [b]Who tells the other to quit bouncing their leg?[/b] bounces their leg: Ryan, Gen, Shizu tells them to stop: Alexai, Leiko, Kotori [b]Who likes to fall asleep on others?[/b] Matt, Ryan, Sato, Chiaki [b]Who loves to take pictures?[/b] Chiaki, Kotori, KAMI, Ryan [b]Gets into a health kick and forces the others to go on runs?[/b] Noboru & Chiaki (isn't that already canon) [b]Who jams out to music others hates?[/b] RYANNN [b]Who takes the bait for a practical joke?[/b] Sato (gets very upset after), Shizu, Masahide, Kotori (feels bad afterwards) [b]Who starts a pillow fight?[/b] m a t t [b]Who are the early risers?[/b] ALEXAI, mako, jun, kotori, leiko [b]Who acts tough during horror movies only to be freaked out at night later?[/b] LEIKO, Sieg [b]Who would be the one to suggest dining and dashing when they go out?[/b] fucking sieg over there suggests it as the waiter is coming over but then laughs it off [b]Who gets up to make breakfast for everyone else?[/b] Alexai, Leiko, Toma, Ryan[/hider]