[centre][h1][b]The beginning of the end for day two[/b][/h1] [h2][b]Caits and Joshua collab part one of two[/b][/h2][/centre] After making sure that Mayt was safe and in the room he had got, Jarvis went through the hotel, checking to make sure everywhere was were they should be and that no one was sneaking around, whether from the guild or from someone trying to kidnap a guild member again. He decided to drop in on Amelia and make sure she was okay, before hunting up Jamke. He knocked on Amelia's door, and called softly [color=aba000]"Amelia, are you awake?"[/color] The entire night had not been a good one for Amelia. She could not sleep a wink. Every time she managed to, she woke up from nightmares of her past. She had given up and was just lying in bed before she heard a knock on her door and a very welcoming voice. Getting up, she moved over to the door and opened it before giving Jarvis a tight hug. "[color=fff200]You're back[/color]." She said, looking up at him. In the night, her red eyes glowed dimly in the darkness, as did the crystals on her wings. The young girl was wearing a pair of pajama's, a shirt and matching pants, that were emerald green in color and looked like they were made of high quality silk, a fact that would probably catch those that knew her early childhood off guard. The shirt had two cuts in the back to allow her wings to come out, like most of her shirts did. Letting go, she moved away and looked up at Jarvis. "[color=fff200]Did you need anything[/color]?" Jarvis hugged Amelia in defense first as the girl seemed intent on trying to prevent him breathing in her hug, before managing to crouch and hug her close. He was pleased that she was still up, but worried as to why. He shook his head at her question, [color=aba000]"no, I just returned from helping Mayt and wanted to check on you. Is everything okay?"[/color] he asked softy, studying Amelia "[color=fff200]Yeah I'm fine[/color]." Amelia lied before looking guilty and shaking her head. She sighed before gently getting out of his grip and moving back into her room, motioning him to come in if he wished. She moved back to her bed and sat down on it before looking over at him. "[color=fff200]I'm not fine. I can't sleep at all. I keep remembering things. Things I would rather forget. Thing's I can't forget. And they're just keeping me awake[/color]." Jarvis gave a soft sigh, wishing he could say that it would all be alright, but knowing it might not be. He approached Amelia, [color=aba000]"there are things we would all rather forget, little one. But we can't, and id love to be able to take it all away from you."[/color] he said, wishing that he could, but knowing that he couldn't. [color=aba000]"do you what to share it with me? It might make you feel better"[/color] Amelia frowned, looking at the ground. "[color=fff200]It was Karn's battle with that girl from Rider's Blade. The way he won. I was in her position before when I... when I acquired my wings[/color]." She said, flinching as she felt pain around her wings. Just remembering always hurt her and seemed to agitate them. Jarvis had no idea how Karns battle had gone, and he stood there a moment, unsure and trying to work it out. It was clearly something bad, but not bad enough for Karn to be reprimanded. At least that he knew about. From the rest, Jarvis could guess, and he grimaced, sitting beside Amelia and taking her hand, [color=aba000]"often, when we are most vulnerable, we find a strength we never knew we had. You are strong, and the fact that you survived what they did to you just proves it. You're here, you're safe. Is there anything I can do?"[/color] "[color=fff200]Could I possibly... sleep with you tonight[/color]?" Amelia asked The simply, almost child like question simply squeezed Jarvis's heart, and he nodded [color=aba000]"of course you can"[/color] he said, giving her a smile "[color=fff200]Could you carry me[/color]?" Amelia asked, holding out her arms so Jarvis would be able to pick her up easily. Jarvis nodded, and smiled, rising and gently scooping Amelia into his arms. He cradled her close, starting out the room to his own. [color=aba000]"Has anything else happened, besides this?"[/color] He wanted to know, wanted to make sure that she was okay after the battle, after the use of that spirit with the funny name, and wished hehadn't had to leave to help mayt. Amelia snuggled against Jarvis, smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder. "[color=fff200]No, nothing else bad has happened. I did talk to Master Jack. He seems like a really nice person[/color]." Amelia said Jarvis nudged the door open, careful not to jostle Amelia, [color=aba000]"he is, and has been there for us in bad times as well as good. He started dragon fang a little while after we started Phoenix wing, and we've helped each other out before"[/color] he said "[color=fff200]Hhmm[/color]" Amelia said, not sure how to add to this conversation. Then again, she was incredibly tired after her day and the lack of sleep was catching up to her now, as she kept almost nodding off. When Jarvis reached his room door, he opened it, and approached the bed, gently putting Amelia down. [color=aba000]"do you want anything else before we sleep?"[/color] he asked her "[color=fff200]Just want you close by[/color]." Amelia said, one hand staying gripped to Jarvis' shirt, as if she refused to let go of him. Jarvis nodded, gently prying Amelia's hand off, so he could bundle her up with the blanket, and hold her when he climbed into the bed. [color=aba000]"I want let anything hurt you."[/color] he remembered promising Sam that, remembered her faith in him, pushing the memory away before it could hurt. [color=aba000]"you're safe here, sweety"[/color] "[color=fff200]Papa[/color]." Amelia said, snuggling up against Jarvis and quickly falling asleep. From her locket, a single light came out before it turned into Ellis, who looked down at Amelia with a smile. "[color=a36209]She tries to act so mature during the day but once she gets tired, she turns into such a child, wouldn't you agree[/color]?" The spirit asked Jarvis. [i]papa[/i] echoed through Jarvis, and he sighed softly, emotions a turmoil inside him, looking up as Ellis appeared.[color=aba000]"even the strongest person can have vulnerabilities. She is a child, even if her history denies that"[/color] he said softly so as not to wake Amelia, [color=aba000]"I wish I could protect her from it all"[/color] "[color=a36209]Every parent, if not every adult, feels that way concerning children. At least most do I hope[/color]." Ellis said, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently running a hand through Amelia'a hair. "[color=a36209]Tell me, does being with her cause you more pain or happiness, because of your daughter[/color]?" "It makes me think what could have been, what should have been, if not for the bandits that killed her." Jarvis said softly, "she would have been 21 this year. It doesn't cause me pain, just grief. And guilt that I couldn't protect her. Being able to make Amelia happy, makes me happy. It two different things. A parent can love their other child, even if something happened to another" "[color=a36209]Being with you makes get happy. To her, you'relike the father she never had. If making her happy makes you happy, then invite her to live with you. She knows little about you buy she does care about you greatly[/color]." Ellis said. "[color=a36209]I do not think your daughter would mind. I'm sure watching her father suffer from beyond the veil hurts her greatly[/color]." "I don't have a house, I live at the guild" Jarvis said. There was also other things to consider, but he couldn't say that, couldn't right then. "The guild is my house. I can't just leave it, leave Jamie, who'd forget to eat if I didn't practically shove food down her throat. "There are some things I don't think I could ever share, Ellis." "[color=a36209]You don't think you can or simply don't want to? Are you hiding some dark secret to protect those around you or simply keeping a secret[/color]?" Ellis asked, eying Jarvis carefully. "[color=a36209]I don't mind you looking after my daughter. However, if you will no be completely honest with me, you might find that you will be watched at all times when you are near her[/color]." [color=aba000]"I have always been completely honest with you"[/color] Jarvis said, keeping his tone soft, light despite being a little annoyed. [color=aba000]"is killing my own brother a secret I deserve to keep, even if he did kill my daughter?even if he did try to kill Jamie, to kill me, to destroy my family? Do you think there is a moment I don't regret that, every day? How can I tell anyone I am a Kin slayer? And it's not just my secret to share, not just my past, and thus, I can't share it"[/color] suddenly remembering Amelia, he checked to make sure she was still asleep. Ellis sighed before looking up at the ceiling. Amelia was still asleep but looked a bit upset, possibly having a nightmare, possibly sensing the tension in the air. "[color=a36209]Jarvis... tell me, if your brother was still alive and threatened to kill Amelia, would you hesitate to kill him for even a second[/color]?" She asked Jarvis stroked Amelia's hair, hoping to soothe, but flinched at the question. He swallowed, unsure what answer Ellis wanted, but decided to go with what he knew he would do. [color=aba000]"no. I wouldn't hesitate. I'd do it. I'd do it because he wouldn't be reasoned with. And I'd do it because I wouldn't be able to live with the grief again"[/color] "[color=a36209]And did you hesitate to kill him after he killed your daughter[/color]?" Ellis asked as Amelia calmed down slightly but still looked slightly upset. Ellis looked down at her and sighed. "[color=a36209]She probably left all of her toys at home. She always slepted with a stuff dog, because that was the only comfort she had after her parents abandoned her. I got her a replacement, but I guess she didn't bring Cecile along[/color]." [color=aba000]"it was never my intention to kill him. I went after him, yes. I...I hoped it was a mistake, that in the moment I saw the wrong thing, but it wasn't...and...I killed him"[/color] Jarvis was nearly whispering now, not wanting to relive the memory, not wanting to bring it back. He didn't know if Amelia had brought the stuffed toy along, but she hadn't asked for it, so maybe not. It felt like it was something he should know "[color=a36209]Don't run Jarvis. Don't run from this memory[/color]." Ellis said. "You [color=a36209]saw your daughter, dead. You saw your brother, the man responsible. You killed him. Any father, and TRUE and loving father, would probably do the same in your shoes. You loved your daughter, she was your treasure and your greatest pride. She was the light of your world. And someone, someone you trusted, stole her from you. You killed him, yes. But can you say anyone will say you were in the wrong? If they had been in your shoes, do you think they would've done things differently[/color]?" [color=aba000]"I don't know. All I know is killing him didn't bring her back, so what did I get from that? The grief for my little girl, the grief for my brother, and the knowledge that I killed him."[/color] the words were halting, as if he had trouble getting them out. [color=aba000]"and the knowledge that I should have killed him, before he got close enough to kill her. The knowledge that if I hadn't hesitated, she'd still be alive." [/color] he didn't want to do this, didn't want to be taking about it. He didn't want to remember, didn't want to remember the rage, the fury, the kill. Didn't want to remember holding Sam's small, lifeless body, nor the horrible, wailing cries and the crushing grief. "You hesitated because you trusted him. You thought you could trust him, that he wouldn't harm his own niece. But he did, he betrayed you and Sam. That person, as of that moment, was no longer your brother. Your brother was long gone, dead to the world. What took your daughter was not worth being called human. There is no reason to grieve for him. You can grieve for Sam. But do not grieve for a thing that is willing to betray it's own family and kill them. Especially a child as young as Sam was." Ellis said, her tone hard, yet compassionate. She felt's Jarvis' pain, she truly did. But he needed to move on, accept what he did. "[color=9e0b0f]Ask Joshua Tamashii[/color]." A voice said before the red flame that was Phlegethon appeared floating a few feet away. [color=aba000]"he was still my brother"[/color] Jarvis said softly, but knew arguing was pointless. Ellis wouldn't be able to see that it was Jarvis's fault, that he should have helped his brother long before the killings. He should have seen it. [color=aba000]"even if he did kill Sam, and thus, I still grieve. Killing him didn't help, except maybe to stop more killings. i know I did the right thing, but it doesn't make the act any better"[/color] As phlegethon appeared, it felt like to Jarvis that he was having an intervention by spirits, and he sighed. [color=aba000]"it's late, I'm not going to go disturb Joshua and it's been a long day"[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]You who have battled long and hard, you who have drawn the blood and ire of many yet are also admired by just as much. Sinner and savior, redeemer and damner. Taker of lives, yet one who spares just as many. You grieve over the lives you lost or took, but refuse to look at the ones you managed to save and the lives that have come about as a result of saving them[/color]." Phlegethon said "[color=9e0b0f]What is it you really seek? What is it that will truly give your troubled soul peace[/color]?" Yes. This seemed like an intervention by spirits, and that just made Jarvis's head hurt He closed is eyes, wondering why he had started this conversation, and right then, just wanting to sleep. He had been up more then a day, and this philosophy question was just too hard to ponder right then. [color=aba000]"What I want is what I can't have right now. I want my family back, my love, and another beginning. I want to be able to know I have done the right things, and to know I'll be able to protect what I care about, and not let it be destroyed. What I want never seems to matter, to this cruel world"[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]You say that, yet ignore the answers to your prayers that is lying right next to you[/color]." Phlegethon said. Jarvis looked to Amelia, and nodded slightly, [color=aba000]"Amelia is one answer. One part of the whole."[/color] he said softly, looking to Ellis and Phlegeton, [color=aba000]"And how can I have her, if I can't protect her?"[/color] he said, feeling unsettled, unsure of what to continue to say, wishing there were answers to he's worries. "[color=9e0b0f]How can you know the answer to that if you don't take the first step[/color]?" Phlegethon asked [color=aba000]"because if I do and I can't, then it's Amelia who will lay the price, and I don't want that"[/color] Jarvis replied, [color=aba000]"if I can't protect her, and you guys aren't able to..:what happens then? She says she won't learn to fight"[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]She will not die easily. Death has come for her three times. Unlike most, she has eluded it each time. That is why she can see, hear, and touch the spirits of the dead. As for us, it would take a seal of tremendous power to stop me from protecting her[/color]." Phlegethon said. "[color=a36209]We're like Lucy Heartafilia and her celestial spirits. We will not let her die, no matter the cost[/color]." Ellis added. Jarvis sighed, they just weren't getting it, and he didn't know how to explain it. [color=aba000]"I thought I would always be there to protect Sam. Look what happened. You can't know that you won't be able to protect her. Something could happen, you could be unable to reach her, or you might hesitate, or any numerous amounts of things. I want to be able to look after Amelia, but how can I when I'm not even sure I'll be able to keep her alive?"[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]How can you be so certain you'll fail[/color]?" Phlegethon asked. [color=aba000]"because I did with Sam"[/color] Jarvis said softly, wishing they'd stop asking him these questions, stop being it all back "[color=a36209]So your going to run from your problem and turn your back on a child that needs you[/color]?" Ellis asked. It wasn't a problem. He had already proven that he couldn't protect those he cared about. [color=aba000]"no, I won't turn away from Amelia, but I can't be everything she wants, she needs"[/color] "[color=a36209]You can. You very well can. You're just to scared to[/color]." Ellis said. "[color=9e0b0f]Wonder what Sam has to say about how you're acting[/color]." Phlegethon said. [color=aba000]"yes, I'm scared. I'm scared of the grief and the guilt, and nothing will change that. More then that, I don't want t be responsible for another child's death!"[/color] Jarvis said, [color=aba000]"I don't know what she'd say, because she's gone! Taken, because I couldn't protect her! Killed, because of me!"[/color] why couldn't they just leave him be? Couldn't they see it was just making things worse, distressing him? How did they think he would be able to do anything, with them badgering him like this? "[color=9e0b0f]Then why don't you ask her[/color]?" Phlegethon said before a magic circle appeared. "[color=9e0b0f]Sam, your Daddy wants to say hi[/color]."