This team was becoming more and more interesting by the minute it seemed. If the colorful characters that Seamus had already become familiar with weren't enough more were being thrown into the fray. First was another red headed young man like Seamus himself, but this one was obviously more well known. Seamus recognized him almost immediately, he resembled his father so much it was nearly impossible not to. The son of Lex Luther was bound to make quite the addition to the team, though it did seem like the young man felt like he held some guilt do to his heritage. Next was another young man that came rushing in apologizing for being late, Seamus found it amusing to think despite being heroes these people still up held the classic irresponsible teenager stereotype. But Seamus was quickly pulled from this thought when another young man, more of a child really, came rushing in and introducing himself. What really caught Seamus's attention though had to be the fact that the boy was coated head to toe in blood, obviously not human blood but blood all the same. The ginger haired lad grew a slight grimace as he looked the boy over before he couldn't take the sickening sight and nauseating odor any more. Seamus out stretched his hand in the direction of the blood stained lad before speaking. [color=0054a6][b]"Esaelp hsaw mih."[/b][/color] His words echoing eerily, as if powered by some outside force. Not even a moment later the boy named Red was covered in a light mist that coated his whole body, but as soon as it had appeared it had dissipated taking with it all the blood and dirt that blanketed Red. Now that the boy was cleaned, even had a faint smell of wild berries, the sour look on Seamus's face faded away and was replaced with his usual blank expression. [color=0054a6][b]"Much better..."[/b][/color] He murmured to himself.