[i]Down the stairs tumbled a tall black man, belting out exclamations and curses with each bump and dump. [/i] [color=fff200]"Ayeee! Sweet mudda of Rimba! Me bumboclottin' ass! Awww batty pussy cheese!!"[/color] [i]The tribesman landed in a heap before springing quickly to his feet and glancing about sharply to ensure nobody had laughed at his pain. The dreadlocked fellow took two steps before collapsing onto his face, muttering more tropical obscenities into the floorboards. Yup. He was drunk as a skunk. He climbed to his feet a minute later, shaking his head vigorously. There was a devious glint in his eye now.The islander swaggered into the middle of the room, grabbing some random dude's bottle of rum and swilling down half the contents. He belched loudly, smacked the butt of a passing waitress, and proceeded then to bellow out his innermost desires.[/i] [color=fff200]"Where da white wimmon at!?"[/color]