[@Eklipse][@helltank] Well the girl, Alison was still being hostile towards the beastmen. An unfair treatment from his perspective, allies at least should be given a basic honor, even temporary ones. It had been clear that without the Ork, the group would have had a hard time defeating the spiders. Not that they would have gotten involved either, but that was an issue for another time. In the end, it came down to the group not being strong enough. "He speaks correct, Alison," said Emeka. "I once an old man tell me that actions showed more truth than appearance, and our friends actions are definitely good" he said as he made his way in between the beastman and Alison. Turning to the beastman,"Greetings, Thank you for your aid, I am sorry for my allies behavior, she is young and still not aware of the world. I hope you will excuse her" he said. " I am called Emeka" he said..