[b][center]Join the Occult Club! Come discuss the supernatural with like-minded people, and have a great time! Room 2-A, 3:30-4:30, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Free snacks will be served! Also join us for our Halloween Extravaganza this Saturday; stop by a club meeting for details![/center] [/b] Yurei High School, a public academic institution in modern-day Japan. As of today, Tuesday the 27th of October, the formerly-disbanded Occult Club has been re-founded. All students are welcome to join! Oh, and those rumors about the club president blackmailing people into joining? Um...we refuse to comment on that. Do be careful if you stop by the Halloween Extravaganza, though. Rumor has it that [i]something[/i] prowls the school campus at night. Well, not so much "rumors" as "the fervent proclamations of the club president". She's been talking about ridiculous things like that, as well as about the "magitech artifacts" that she's discovered and created to fight off the supernatural. The club president sure is a character, isn't she? [center][i]"Well, thanks for tuning in! This has been today's Yurei High news bulletin. Have a great Tuesday, everyone! I'm Shishigou Chiyo, signing off!"[/i][/center] [hr] This is a roleplay meant to incorporate generic anime shenanigans and lighthearted character interaction/humor with some more fantasy-style and horror elements. Characters will be students at Yurei High who, through one means or another, get involved in the activities of the occult club. Whether an enthusiastic club member, a delinquent who's roaming the school at night, or a tyrannical student council president who finds herself blackmailed by the club president, you will find yourselves somehow brought into the president's eccentric fantasies. Of course, when night falls over the school...you might find that those eccentricies were better placed than you once thought. Be careful out there. Spooks are about. [hider=Rules] No metagaming, no godmodding, auto-hitting, no controlling other people's characters, no doing things you shouldn't be able to do. This is all standard stuff. No being a bully OOC. You can be a bully IC though. That's totally fine. If you'll be taking a leave of absence, let me know so everyone doesn't wonder if you died. If you don't do this, tragic things might happen to your character while we're waiting for you to post, which would be really sad. You are not always right. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] If you don't include a surname, I will deny you on face. [b]Gender[/b]: Male, Female, or Genderfluid Transabled Apocalyptic Disaster-kin. [b]Age:[/b] Um, yeah. [b]Appearance[/b]: Yes, you can use a picture. Yes, you can put it at the top of the CS all nice and centered with a fun little italicized quote centered beneath it. [b]Personality[/b]: Don't skimp on here. [b]History[/b]: They are a high school student. Don't go crazy. [b]Skills[/b]: Anything notable that the character can do. [b]Other[/b]: ??? [/hider]