The message that David sent was short and, he hoped, indecipherable to anyone but his apprentices. "Take the Yit home. Waste no time." He didn't dare send anything longer, or let them respond, lest the signal be traced back. They would get the idea. The Yit was the YT-2550 light freighter that the Jedi Order used. Home was the docking bay at the Starsea Shipyards that he left reserved for whenever the Order needed a private place to retreat to. It wasn't as secluded or inaccessible as the temple on Ilum, but it's lack of privacy would serve him now, as his assassin wouldn't dare follow him here, even if he knew where it was. He was already in hyperspace, the trip would be long, Corellia was on the other side of galactic center, and one needed to fly somewhat roundabout to safely navigate from Ilum to more normal hyperspace routes. But the voyage gave him time to apply the Force to healing his wounds. ~~~ When he arrived, David landed the antique star-fighter into the hangar bay and disembarked. It was a large space, guarded from the vacuum outside by a force field, and mostly empty. There were a few supply crates scattered about, but the X-Wing was the only ship here. On the far left side of the hangar, there was a series of offices, originally for whatever company was renting the space. David had converted them into living quarters, for when the Jedi needed to stay here. It was their base of operations when they needed to be close to Galactic Center. He had lost blood, but his wounds were stable and he felt he just needed to rest. He had a head start on his apprentices, but the Yit was faster than the X-Wing and he expected them to arrive within an hour of him. He went to the offices in the hangar that had been converted into quarters, and lay on a bed, ruminating on his next move. There was a Sith. Was he acting alone? Always two, that's what his master had taught him. But then, his own master had been alone for a long time too. The Jedi would need to investigate, there was no getting around it. Their isolation would be broken. Already had been broken. He wasn't sure where to go first, he would discuss it with his apprentices. Dantooine, perhaps. It was their next choice for a temple now that Ilum was compromised. It was Outer Rim, but not as isolated. But, he knew how to get into some of its secret places already. Or, maybe they would cut to the chase and fly to Korriban. If there were Sith alive and well, he needed to know if it was an isolated cell, or a rebirth of their old empire. He waited for his apprentices.