[color=red]"Hah! You wish!"[/color] Alex laughed before listening to her friend, her grin fading as she mulled over the words. Honestly, she hadn't thought much on relationships. She had Naisha and the summer boys as her friends. Who needed anybody else? Especially romance, Alex hadn't even thought about it. Who would actually like her that way? It was a strange concept. Yet... It was a tempting one. Despite the sappy stuff that often happens, displayed by the grown ups, it had a alluring appeal. Be it to be loved. To be given attention. To be someone's most special important person. It was a nice idea. There was just one thing she was worried about. Her friends, especially Naisha. It wasn't just herself, Alex worried over romance that took hold of any of her friends. If someone falls in love... Don't their friends become less important? And they get so wrapped up in their love life, they just forget their friendships? Alex didn't know much about the concept, but she did spend time watching some people. Some of the teenagers seem to do that. Wrapping up with eachother so much.. Like the outside of their bubble didn't exist. Alex didnt want to leave her friends... Or be left. Alone. Yet she couldn't deny that happiness for her friend. [color=red]"Eh... Maybe. But I'm not really all that into a relationship like that. A friend, sure. But hey, gotta make sure you're okay before I go trying to woo people."[/color] Alex chuckled, though it was softer, a bit sad. Moving closer, she stepped up behind her friend and wrapped her arms around her friend's neck. [color=red]"You'd get lonely without me."[/color] Alex teased.