[hider=Eva] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Yukako.Yamagishi.full.1840681.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Eva Nováková Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Eva stands at 5 foot 7 and has a thin physique. Her skin is rather pale, a contrast to her piercing blue eyes. Her hair is rather long, and reaches down just past her waist and is the same raven black as her eyebrows. Personality: After years of moving from country to country and from school to school, Eva has developed a sort of faux-confidence. While she'll happily strike up a conversation with just about anyone, she's hesitant to reveal to much about herself, seeing it as pointless as she expects to just move away again soon. She is very open minded, and will probably believe anything if it's said convincingly enough. That being said, she isn't dumb. She does well in all of her classes and has an aptitude for languages and maths. Eva is also very easily embarrassed, if someone were to say something about her that is even obviously untrue, but still embarrassing then you will no doubt see her covering her cheeks with her hands in an effort to conceal her blushing. History: They are a high school student. Don't go crazy. Eva was originally born in, Ostrava in the Czech Republic. Her father was a wealthy Polish business advisor, famed for his ability to turn failing businesses into well known brands. Her mother had the much less exciting job of being an online teacher. As a result of her fathers job, Eva only managed to spend the first 5 or so years of her life in her home city before she was forced to move to, Germany where her father had a long term job set up in which he advised a supermarket chain. Eva stayed in Germany until she was around 9, when she was forced to move yet again. This time to Wales. Wales was a funny place to her, and was where she primarily learned English, which is why she sounds rather strange when speaking it. Again, her time in Wales was relatively short lived and she was moved to Slovakia, where she spent the rest of her time up until she moved to Japan around 2 months ago. She's been encouraged both by her language counsellor and her parents to join a few clubs to get integrated better, which is why she's currently joining the occult club, having mistaken the Japanese word for 'occult' as 'music'. Don't ask how she did it, but she did. Skills: -Can speak Czech, Slovak, German, Polish, English and of course, Japanese. -Can sew just about anything -Plays the violin Other: -Isn't fully fluent in Japanese just yet [/hider]