[hider=Seiko Karuta] [center] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/994/34e809e8951095cfafdbfebb35a8998ac69af51d.jpg?999533[/img] [color=8882be]"My name? Oh dear, I'm more interested in your name! And...any embarrassing stories that might be associated with it!"[/color] [color=8882be][i]Name:[/i][/color] Karuta, Seiko Seiko, Sei, Ko, or anything really, she's not that picky about names. ...she could definitely come up with something worse for you if you call her something bad. [color=8882be]"Uhm...are you blind? Do I need to take my shirt off or something?"[/color] [color=8882be]Gender:[/color] Female [color=8882be]"Young enough to get away with breaking and entering. Hehe~"[/color] [color=8882be]Age:[/color] 17 [color=8882be]"I know, I'm hot stuff. Now quit drooling."[/color] [color=8882be]Appearance:[/color] Seiko has red hair, and is somewhat on the tall side, standing around 5'6". Make-up isn't really her thing, though she does know how to use and wear it. Appearances are important, after all, and what better way to get a good story than to don a bit of makeup and do a bit of...flirting with the head of the sports team? Her dress varies, though is mostly unremarkable. In school, she's not one much for a dress code, preferring to wear jackets and other things that can easily conceal stuff. She carries her trusty camera and various notepads in here. Usually wears long jeans and sneakers. [color=8882be]Personality:[/color] Seiko, well, to put bluntly...well, some would call her a mischievous little rascal who always stick her nose where it doesn't belong. She spends most of her free time looking for the next big story that would probably get her 'famous'. After all, its her dream to be a top investigative journalist/news reporter/best selling novelist. Really, she's not picky as long as she gets to write. Messing with other people in the process is just a bonus. This gets her into no small amount of trouble with everyone. Most people find her incredibly annoying - especially the staff, who on a few occasions have had to...'remove' her from areas of limits to students when no one was supposed to be there. Really, if she was an adult she'd have at least four trespassing charges. Of course, that's only if she gets caught. But she's pretty good at talking her way out of things. Despite this, she is rather friendly to most, though she does have a sharp tongue and a bit of a mouth on her. Just expect her to constantly be looking for dirt or other information on anyone or anything so she can write a little blurb about it on her blog. (which, she might add, has quite a few followers from around the area) And you, will be dragged along whether you like it or not. Also, be prepared for uncomfortable situations and questions. Her questions know no boundaries. One thing, however, is that she denounces all thing supernatural as tricks of the light, wind, electricity or some other chance anomaly. Ghosts? Pfft. They don't exist. Just smoke and gas. Until someone shows her hard evidence, proof she can actually touch, test, and otherwise interrogate with her pen, she will not accept it as real. Other than writing and gathering stories, she herself likes reading, and will usually sit down with a good work of fiction for relaxing. Despite her love of fictional stories and such, she denounces all occult and ghost things as mere fantasy. She always carries a camera and a pen with her. Always. [color=8882be]"Me? Pfft, I'm more interested in you! Come on, any embarrassing stories? Gossip? Place I can get good pantyshots? I'll pay you~"[/color] [color=8882be]History:[/color] Seiko has lived a relatively normal life. Her father is a retired police officer, and her mom is a librarian at a local library. She spent a lot of her childhood in the library helping her mom work, and reading a lot of books - from educational, to fictional, to some she probably she should not have read until she was older. (yeah, she's always had an insatiable curiosity. You tell her not to go somewhere or not to do something, she will find a way to do it.) While this would have made some people shy bookworms, it turned her into a veritable fountain of information that wanted more. Whether it be useless, smart, or something completely unrelated, she was always a smart and somewhat crafty kid. She even had a healthy curiosity...and fear, of the supernatural for a time. Well, until she found out the ghost that was supposedly trapped in the basement was her dad and his friends playing pool and other games rather loudly. (and somewhat drunkenly). Since then, she took a healthy interest in the occult, but not to try and prove it...rather, to try and disprove it through any logical means possible. An occult club? Well, how about that! She's always up for debunking nonsense and making people look like idiots. Its her favorite pastime, after all! [color=8882be]"I am incredibly talented, aren't I?~"[/color] [color=8882be]Skills:[/color] -Blackmail -flirting -sneaking -breaking and entering -writing -Is actually a fairly decent artist -Knows how to get her hands on information. You want to know something? She knows people. Get rid of...evidence? She also knows people. -frighteningly skilled with a Camera. Always carries multiple ones on her, from her high-tech digital camera, to a back-up disposable one. [color=8882be]"Spoiler alert: I'm not into guys~"[/color] [color=8882be]Other:[/color] - She is, in fact, a lesbian. And doesn't care who knows. -Secretly loves anime. (Hopes no one finds out) -Writes fantasy short stories frequently in her down time if not reading or doing something else. (Will probably die of embarrassment if it gets out.) -Secretly writes...questionable (and by that, I mean smutty) fan fiction among other things. (Will become a hermit if someone finds out.) -Tends to click her pen a lot, especially if she's excited. -Handwriting is surprisingly (well, can be unless she's scribbling furiously on her notepad or something) -She, is in fact, a skeptic. While she doesn't exactly deny their existence, until she has undeniable proof, they don't exist. She joined the club simply so that she can disprove any shenanigans the club might have planned. (Oh, and get some material for her blog that involves messing with the club) [/center] [/hider] Alright, just had to change a few things from the other RP, and here she is! :D The mischievous, skeptic reporter!~ If there are any problems I'll be happy to address them~