[b]Master Jamie[/b] As Dornae agreed to come with him, Jamie smiled. Saying her farewells to Mithera, Jamie made sure she still have the lacrimas before leaving. It might have been more practical to use a lacrima, but if Jamie left without being seen iron enigma night assume he was still in there. As it was, all Jamie was doing was leaving with someone, as he had come in with someone. They didn't have to know it wasn't the same person. Jamie led the way to the guild hotel, entering and arranging a room for Dornae first, before getting the guild marker, hearing voices that assured her Jarvis was home. That put Jamie at ease, and returning to Dornae, she smiled. [color=f26522]"color and location, please!"[@yoshua171][/color] [b]michael[/b] [@Silver Fox] [color=00a651]"yay!"[/color] Michael said happily, but did seemed surprised at the assistants from Prince, and the way Prince had them dancing, but couldn't work up the energy nor the will to complain about it. Even if he didnt want to.[color=00a651]"had no lunch. Went shopping for a collar with some woman who needed stuff for birds for her kids. Not her kids, but still her kids"[/color] which probably didn't make sense, but it did to Michael [color=00a651]"after the fight with Gabriel. No time for lunch"[/color] he seemed pleased to have gotten to the original purpose of his words, and he grinned.