For a moment Seamus assumed that there were even more late arrivals walking into the room, but he quickly came to the realization that these were some of the founders of the very team he was joining. The Superman clone, the strongest telepath in the world, and one of the fastest men alive, or better known as Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash, all in one place. Seamus was a bit star struck, though it didn't show on his face. He was defiantly glad he took the offer to join the team now, getting the opportunity to work closely with these heroes was definitely the chanced of a life time. He had just finished listening to Miss Martian explain how she and Superboy will be acting as the groups caretakers when the Russian fellow came up to him and asked him how did he do that, it took Seamus a moment to realize he was referring to the simple cleaning charm he casted on Red. Seamus considered explaining the origin of the ritual and how it was eventually transferred into a incantation which in turn was translated into a simple English spoken phrase by Seamus, but coming to his senses Seamus settled on keeping it simple. [color=0054a6][b]"Magic."[/b][/color] He said plainly.