Alright, background looks good. I'd be a little sketched out about him already being having active Force powers, but as a Miralukan, that makes sense, since it's bound to sight and sensing. Now, are we going to assume he's already met up with Siador? Or will that happen in RP? If the latter, we're going to work with the assumption that he doesn't have any lightsaber training or active Force powers(besides his psychometry) yet. As for his powers: Ballistakinesis is unnecessarily specific, you could just say telekinesis. As for midchlorians: *waves hand* this isn't the Force you're looking for. We're working under the fanon that midichlorians are more heavily [i]present[/i] in Force users, but that they are not what actually [i]causes[/i] it. I'd suggest just changing it to mind trick.