Cora was torn. On one hand she wanted to see if she could go toe to toe with Superboy. On the other... she didn't really want to show the others what she was like when she was actually using her powers. Her competitive streak won out and Cora stood in line behind Singularity. She looked as though she was regretting her choice, but she convinced herself that she had to train anyway and they'd see her in action regardless of her personal preference. Might as well do it on her terms. "I'm in, I've always wondered if I could fight Superboy and win. Also Superman.... Black Canary... Atom Smasher..." she didn't have to ask about a few of them, but she mostly hoped she didn't have to fight them in a non-training sense. Cora liked to see where she stood but she didn't have a death wish. "I suspect that I'll just get tossed around like a ragdoll after a while, though."