The battle-torn Keystone smiled and nodded in appreciation at the offers presented. A warm, dry corner for the evening, away from the usual resting places associated with travelers and removed from the Xiang Temple (for their own security, apparently) was precisely what he needed. Though he kept the sword attached to his pack, he kept it open long enough to retrieve his old woolen coat from within. He changed out of his monk's robe and into more familiar covering as quickly as his injuries would allow. The pretense of disguise was mainly for the purposes of getting out of town as quickly as possible, undetected. Plans had changed. Though Keystone still had plans of leaving town and continuing (what he felt was) his mission, it would be at least another day or so before he could. Showing up where he was sure to be recognized wearing a Shou robe and large, conical hat would render its anonymity moot. Keystone poked his head into the kitchen and cleared his throat. "Miss Saran, ma'am?" Politeness wasn't his strong suit, and as such he often equated it with formality, especially in speech. "I'd be grateful if you'd give me an assist with the Red Wizards, point of fact. If it's not too much trouble, I'd be obliged were you to accompany me to a market, as well. Would like to handle your cooking tomorrow, if I could." "I'd be happy to set the lot of us up with warm, fluffy waffles in the morning, but that'll have to wait until Master Rocksteady's done crafting with that iron. I do make a right habit-making waffle with sweet pepper preserve. Before I leave town though, for certain."