After the interrogation, Evelyn had purchased a map from the innkeeper. Looking it over she began to chart the fastest route to Thanermere, and from what she determined it'd be two days of riding before they reached The Order, three if they ran into trouble. [color=fff79a][i]"If I'm reading this map correctly, the enemy will probably remain near Starguard to establish its territory before continuing to attack other fortresses. Once we leave tonight we'll be ahead of them for some time. Hopefully by the time the enemy does decide to advance our men in the north will already have been mobilized"[/i][/color], Evelyn sighed as she thought of what the future would hold. In a matter of hours the world had already been changed drastically and possibly permanently. What place would The Order have, if any, and what place would Evelyn have once this was all over. Twas not as if things would return to the state they had previously been in, every decision from here on would determine the state of the world. Evelyn could only hope that once everything was said and done, she'd still have a place in the new world. Just then a couple of militiamen burst through the entrance of the inn carrying a woman over their shoulders. [color=fff79a][i]"A Templar!"[/i][/color], Evelyn eyed her armor and immediately got up from her seat to get a closer look. [color=fff79a][b]"Where did you find her?"[/b][/color], Evelyn asked as she tried to get an idea of the knight's injuries. [b]"We found her in the village, Ma'am, just by the entrance. She was barely able to stand when our man Thran found her. We new her kind were here so we figured some among you could help her"[/b], the man answered with haste before leaving to return to his duties. Evelyn carried Madelyn over to their table and seated her down before looking her over again. [color=fff79a][b]"What's your name soldier? Who did you serve under?"[/b][/color], Evelyn's next question would have asked where Madelyn was injured but once she saw her leg she knew the answer. Turns out her leg had taken a pretty bad hit at some point; the bone was fractured though it did not break skin. [color=fff79a][b]"Your leg, it's badly injured. I can heal you but you must remain still"[/b][/color], Evelyn took in a deep breathe before placing her hand over the site of the fracture. [color=fff79a][b]"The bone is out of place, I must reposition it. I'm sorry, I'll try to be quick"[/b][/color], without another word Evelyn pushed the fractured bone back into its proper place as she squeezed tightly on the leg. Then with the same hand, she casted healing hands, illuminating the leg with a soft golden glow as bone was mended along with flesh. [color=fff79a][b]"I've done what I can, you'll still feel some discomfort but it will pass as your body heals naturally"[/b][/color], Evelyn said as she finished her work on the leg.