[center][color=#708574][h2]【[u][b]Dornae Namari[/b] - [i]The Luckless Enchanter[/i][/u]】[/h2][/color]【[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkMVyw-7avI]Theme I[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_GOmMZRPEo]Theme II[/url][b]/|\[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMrmnB2LjjM]Theme III[/url]】[/center][hr] Following the Guildmaster, while lost in thought, though he kept enough of an eye on his surroundings to know if they were being closely watched, Dornae pondered where his choices had led him. First what amounted to a crime, despite it being for a good cause, then the small errand, and now he was about to join a guild full of new people? It was a little unsettling to consider how fast it had all transpired really. As if to drive the speed at which things were transpiring around him, Dornae, heard Jamie ask what color and exactly where he'd like his guildmark, thus derailing his train of thought. [color=#708574][b]"Hmm, well, do mages in Guilds command respect, or do people tend to scoff at them more often than leave them be. If there is stigma, then I'd prefer my mark on my upper left arm. On the other hand, if it is not a stigma, then I'd like it on my right hand."[/b][/color] He had a somewhat apologetic expression on his face, hoping that the Guildmaster would understand his rationale. [@Caits]