[@yipeeXD] [@silver fox] [b]sasha[/b] Sasha nodded and smiled at Lazarus, walking back with him, cradling Karn, making sure that he was okay, and not going to fall out her arms. The streets were emptying of people, all intent on being inside for now. [color=6ecff6]"it's been a long day, hasn't it? So much happened! I'll be glad to rest"[/color] [b]michael[/b] Michael blinked as someone approached them, struggling to realize that they were introducing themselves, or trying to. Michael managed to extract himself from Prince, swaying slightly,[color=00a651]"M-Michael!"[/color] he said loudly, not seeming to know that he was just about yelling, and when he went to take the offered hand, he stumbled instead and fell against Shujin. [b]master Jamie[/b] [@yoshua171] Jamie smiled, understanding, and said [color=f26522]"right hand then. Never be afraid to show your guild mark."[/color] Jamie said, pressing the mark to Dornae's hand, [color=f26522]"magic is starting not to be feared, and Phoenix Wing is well known. They won't scoff at you"[/color] Jamie said, [color=f26522]"go. It's getting late, go sleep. We will be waking up early for day three of the games. Here's a room key, and a communication lacrima."[/color] Jamie handed both to him. [color=f26522]"I would talk with you more, but it's been a horrendous day, and I have to check on some of the other members. I'll talk more with you in the morning"[/color] Jamie headed upstairs as he spoke, leading Dornae to the room Jamie had got for him, before seeking out Jarvis. [hider=read at your own risk][b]joshua and Caits collab part two of Two[/b] [color=aba000]"No!"[/color] but it was too late, too late, as the figure of a little girl formed, no more then six, long blonde curls trailing along her face, her neck, down along her shoulders, wide, round shockingly blue eyes in a face that was nothing but angelic. Jarvis chocked back a sob, [color=aba000]"Sammy"[/color] he whispered, feeling that this was a cruel kind of torture. [color=ed145b]"Daddy!"[/color] her voice broke his heart "[color=9e0b0f]Go say hi to him. I can only give you five minutes[/color]." Phlegethon said. The little girl didn't need to be told twice, flinging herself at Jarvis, forcing Jarvis to shift to catch her, pained experession on his face as she hugged him, and Jarvis couldn't believe that they were doing this to him. Didn't they know how much it hurt? "[color=a36209]You're hurting him[/color]." Ellis said. "[color=9e0b0f]I know. But I've seen many humans wish for five more minutes with their lives ones. I cannot resurrect her, but I will give him a chance to say what he's wanted to say to her[/color]." Phlegethon replied. "[color=9e0b0f]See if that really helps him at all[/color]." There was nothing that he could say. Nothing that Sam wouldn't already know. [i]i miss you. I love you. You look so much like your mother, it hurts. It hurts, it hurts.[/i]it hurt even more that they didn't talk about it, the little bright light taken from them too soon. [color=aba000]"I'm sorry"[/color] he whispered, [color=ed145b]"there's nothing to forgive, Daddy. Just...be happy...please"[/color] Jarvis didn't know if he could do that, didn't know, when it just didn't seem possible. After five minutes passed, Phlegethon spoke "[color=9e0b0f]Time is up. Time to say good-bye[/color]." He said Jarvis did want to say goodbye, finding this cruel, and he glad at Phlegethon. [color=aba000]"you are cruel, bringing her here like this, without my permission."[/color] he shook his head, now not letting go of Sam "[color=9e0b0f]And what will you do, to prevent her from leaving your grasp again[/color]?" Phlegethon asked, the flames the represented him growing brighter Jarvis didn't know if he could do anything, but he knew this wasn't right, knew that using a child like this wasn't right, and that it wasn't just hurting him. [color=aba000]"what can I do?"[/color] "[color=9e0b0f]That is not my job. I am not a god of death, merely an aspect of one. If you want to discuss that, you will have to talk to my boss. I'm sure you know the name. He was rather famous at one point. He goes by Thanatos[/color]." Phlegethon said Jarvis didn't know what to say, closing his eyes, he held Sam closer, only to stiffen as Jamie's voice said softly, almost broken [color=f26522]"I heard voices"[/color] a hotel key hung limply from her fingers. And the little girl turned, expression happy, thrilled in fact, and flung out to Jamie. [color=ed145b]"mummy!"[/color] Jamie sunk to the floor, Sam in her arms, burying her face in the blonde curls. [color=aba000]"anything"[/color] Jarvis said, watching the scene. [color=aba000]"id do anything"[/color] [i][color=black]Then speak your offer. Speak what you will give the little one to live again. But be warned. To bring one back from my clutches, you must give more in exchange[/color][/i] A voice, both familiar yet foreign, old yet young, friendly yet sinister and more. So many contradictions all at the same time. It spoke from all angles as the room darkened. Ellis quickly fled while Amelia whimpered in her sleep. [i][color=black]Shall I take the life of the girl next to you, who has defied me three times? Shall I take the lives of your family, both blood and guild? Tell me your offer and I shall consider it. What does this girl mean to you?[/color][/i] Jarvis couldn't even contemplate giving up Amelia's life for Sam to live. He wouldn't be able to live with himself, if he caused Amelia's death. He also knew that Jamie would pay any price, but he wouldn't be responsible for her death either. [color=aba000]"there is one thing"[/color] Jarvis said softly, [color=aba000]"the transformation magic, that has kept Jamie's true identity secret. There are seven ...lives tied up in it. Take it"[/color] There was no argument from Jamie, as she held the little girl in her arms, as close as she could, rocking slightly [I][color=black]... The deal is done then.[/color][/I] Thanatos' voice said before the souls that resided in Jamie were forcefully, and painfully, taken out. One of the shadows of the room moved towards, and wrapped around Sam, embracing her. When they left her, she would be alive, in a flesh and blood body. Though, coming back to death didn't mean one came back with clothing, so the little girl would be in need of something to wear. "[color=9e0b0f]We are done here, so long as you two watch over Lady Amelia. Be her parents that she never had. Otherwise, we will take your daughter again[/color]." Phlegethon said before leaving as well. Jamie let out a cry as, one by one, a tiny piece of her was ripped away forever, and as the transformation magic failed, she appeared as a [url=http://s28.postimg.org/h6m8w3v8d/image.jpg] somewhat adult version[/url] of Sam. The little girl cried out as the shadows embraced her, and cringed into her mother. Jarvis couldn't do anything and that made him feel useless, as he sat on the bed, trying to soothe Amelia, hoping she wasn't having any bad dreams, watching for it to be over, before bundling Sam in a blanket, a difficult task as Jamie refused to let her go. Amelia wasn't doing that well and woke up, sitting up quickly while holding back a scream, a cold sweat running down her face. After she took a few seconds she looked around, confused at the scene before her. "[color=fff200]Mr. Jarvis... what's going on here[/color]?" She asked Jarvis had absolutely no idea what to say. How could he even begin? [color=aba000]"I...let's start when you fell asleep"[/color] he said, and began to tell her what had happened, sitting down, once more aiming to soothe Amelia listened calmly, nodding off every now and then but managing to stay awake. When Jarvis finished, she simply nodded before getting up. "[color=fff200]I guess you'll want some alone time then[/color]." She said, not looking at anyone. "[color=fff200]So I guess I'll head back to my room and... let you all be happy[/color]." Jarvis went to speak, but Jamie got there first [color=f26522]"no, stay, Amelia, please. You're welcome here, with us, please"[/color] she said, rising, steady, [color=f26522]"please don't go"[/color] "[color=fff200]No. I'm not needed. I'm not family[/color]." Amelia said, looking at the ground, clenching her fists. "[color=fff200]I'm not supposed to be where happy endings are. So why should I stick around[/color]?" Jarvis gently reached out to hold Amelia back, [color=aba000]"you are family. It wouldn't be any sort of happy ending without you. I'm not going to let you go, Amelia"[/color] he said, refusing to let her just walk away. "[color=fff200]No I'm not. I'm just a stay, gutter trash. I'm just a freak. I'm not allowed a happy ending. Never have, never will. I might as well accept that[/color]." Amelia said, her voice cracking slightly as she tried to fight back tears. [color=f26522]"funny, that's what they said about me"[/color] Jamie mused, putting Sam down on the bed, she crouched, gently cupping her hand around Amelia's cheek. [color=f26522]"you deserve happiness, sweetie. Let us give it to you."[/color] she gently wiped away any tears that fell. [color=f26522]"you're the only one stopping yourself from having happiness. Stay, dear one."[/color] she gave Amelia a smile, holding out her arms for a hug "But how long until you decide to leave me behind? How long until you die? How long will it be until I'm alone again?" Amelia said, still fighting back the tears but they were coming faster now. [color=f26522]"if you hold back because you fear losing someone, then you've already lost them. But we won't leave you, Amelia"[/color] Jamie said calmly, [color=f26522]"have we yet?"[/color] [color=aba000]"you'll never be alone, little one. Even if we aren't here, you'll have the guild."[/color] Jarvis added "[color=fff200]THAT'S NOT WANT I WANT[/color]!" Amelia shouted. "[color=fff200]I WANT A MOTHER, I WANT A FATHER! I WANT AN ACTUAL FAMILY[/color]!" Sam flinched and gave a cry at the sound, but Jamie just simply waited for her to stop shouting. [color=f26522]"What about a sister?"[/color] She asked simply, [color=f26522]"Cause it's not going to work, if you don't want a sister"[/color] Sam climbed of the bed, approaching tentatively Amelia looked at the ground as her wings drooped slightly "[color=fff200]I... wouldn't mind a sister. Why[/color]?" She asked [color=f26522]"Good then. I think we should find a bigger room"[/color] Jamie said cheerfully, as she hugged Amelia, before hugging Sam again, unbelieving that she was here, back. [color=aba000]"Face it, you're ours now"[/color] Jarvis said, offering Amelia his hand. "I'm... yours?" Amelia said, confused before the world's slowly sunk in. "You mean... I'm... I have... I." She couldn't finish the sentence as the tears finally began flowing and she began crying in happiness rather then sorrow. Jarvis bundled Amelia up, sitting on the bed, and holding her close as she cried, wrapping an arm around Jamie when she sat down with Sam. After some time, he said [color=aba000]"We should all get some sleep, dawn isn't far off"[/color] [/hider]