Glodin smirked at Cythlla's comment and patted her gently on the back. "Aye young lass, they do tend to leave quite a mess everywhere they go. But those fine beasts are bred to carry people and heavy loads." He spoke with a lighthearted tone, trying to keep strong for his comrades. As they neared the stables he saw a man standing outside with horses on leads. Glodin walked over to him "I am Knight Templar Glodin, would you happen to be Garvy?" The man turned to face the dwarf before replying, [color=004b80]"Aye, thats me. You with the Knight Captain that needs the horses?"[/color] Glodin nodded, "She ordered us to come get the horses while she delt with a prisoner. I suggest you gather your family and flee to safety before the battle makes it's way here. Oh and do you have a mule? I would rather something sturdier to ride." [color=004b80]"Sure, I have one but you will have to saddle him yourself."[/color] Glodin grabbed a saddle and reigns then followed Garvy to the mule. After a bit of work he managed to saddle and mount the mule. Glodin made his way back to the other two with a proud grin. "What are you two waiting for? Grab some leads and hop on a horse so we can get back to the Captain." He then guided the mule over to the group of horses and nearly fell off the mule trying to grab the leads of two horses.