The bunks felt like slabs of concrete, so when Roland's alarm went off he never felt the urge to lay in bed. It didn't make sense, the Albion's Avengers clearly had a decent budget, their hangar base in Scotland was on of the most attractive buildings that Roland had ever seen Post-War but they seem to fall short when buying comfortable beds. Very strange, but Roland was humble enough to never make a big complaint about it, even after bunking there for last 2 weeks. Roland was already out of bed and putting on his basic army cargo trousers and shirt when he heard the familiar click clack of [b]Hobbes[/b] perfectly shined shoes colliding with the immaculate clean floor as he marched down the hallway to Roland's sleeping quarters. It was 7:14 AM, so it was probably quite important, [i]the British do enjoy a good lay in, if they can get away with it[/i], Roland mused to himself. Hobbes came to the door and knocked twice politely. [i][color=6ecff6]Good mornin' Captain Shaw, I 'ope you slept alright, just wanted to let you know the recruits have all arrived at hangar base, their planes have docked and been scanned and I've asked them to wait in the common room for you. When ya ready sir. [/color][/i] Hobbes clacking footsteps became faint as he disappeared down the hallway again. Roland reached into his bedside cabinet and pulled out the dossiers of the pilots he was about to meet and grabbed his laptop after he put his shoes on. He yawned loudly as his mind began to whirr and function properly after splashing his face with water. The walk to the common room seemed longer than usual as his anticipation for this new group was high, he was able to handpick these pilots himself and even the fact that most of them showed up was something he never expected. So should be an interesting day Roland didn't knock as he didn't see a reason to. There were 6 pilots sitting in the common room, some were already talking so Roland decided to find the coffee machine and make himself something to keep him awake. [i]They've got money for coffee machines but they can't buy a decent bunk, you should feel lucky you'll never have to sleep here its hell.[/i] [b]Roland Shaw[/b] opened his dossiers near the coffee machine and looked around the room without introducing himself. [i]We are missing a person or two, I was contacted by another pilot of the fixer class who said he'd be late so we will give him a bit of time to get here before heading off. But apart from that I'm generally impressed with the diverse range of expertise in this room.[/i] Roland took a sip of his coffee and leant against the counter as he peeked back into the dossiers quickly. [i]I'll let you all make your own introductions, communication is a big part of what we have coming up, and you all know the mission by now. I'm going to be coming with you probably not all the way as when we get to the USA I have to make contact with an AA base in New Mexico, but your objective is clear. Now we are in Scotland and we need to make it to what used to be Las Vegas so we have a multitude of different paths we can take along the way. After you guys talk and our fixer gets here we have [b]2 options[/b] We can either travel to Iceland which will take longer but there are more rest stops and places to refill fuel and ammo and then take the scenic route to america via Greenland and dock in New York. OR We can head straight across the north atlantic and dock in Philidelphia, its faster and there will probably be less enemies, but the bas stops are scarce and the enemies we do encounter will probably be more dangerous. But then time is of the essense and the longer we are travelling the more likely we are to be assasinated in the sky if anybody catches on to our plan, so as a group I want you to decide between yourselves on the path we will be taking.[/i] Roland noticed [b]Alfonse D'Aramitz[/b] was Canadian like himself from the file and gave him a subtle nod as the countrymen have been doing since the north american war. He also took note of [b]Kerry Thomas[/b] who was from [b]Texas[/b]. Roland tries to keep his prejudices in check but seeing a Texan automatically made his eyes squint in skepticism as his memories of fighting the IST (Independent State of Texas) army in the war was not something you forget quickly. He hadn't made his mind up about this young man yet, he was probably just a freelancer or a drifter. [i]I'll be waiting in the Hangar when you are all done, for a further brief, come see me when you have introduced yourself and made a decision about your mission path, I will be [b]available to answer[/b] some questions later which you can add to the codex, also [b]Nishizawa[/b] you want to be scanning as much as you can when you get in the sky, your team will need all the info they can get.[/i] Roland gave her a small smile in respect as a fellow [color=00a651]scanner[/color] like he used to be. [i]They wanted to call you the Albion Avengers 14th Contract Division, but I protested the idea, you guys are not an offshoot of some mysterious UK organisation, you are [b]Sky Warriors[/b] and I want you to carry that name with pride as my division once did. I'll see you later.[/i] Roland left the room with his dossiers and laptop and two cups off coffee that barely fit in one hand.