[@The ghost in black] “And what is in a name?” Jonathan said. “There is much that is in a name. You somehow cannot see it, in your attachment to your old life. You wish to remain attached to your life and your old name, but nothing you have done in your life can compare to what we can do now. So throw it away, I say. When you here the names of Christ, Zeus, and Shiva, you know in their names is infinite glory. With such power in our hands now, having been resurrected from the dead and leaving behind doppelganger dolls, who is to say that we are not deserving of the same glory? Only a superior being to us would have that authority, and we all know that such a being cannot possibly exist. So I say to you, Aleksandra, I cannot bear keeping my own name, so associated with my time as a servile slave to society. I do not know what my new name will be, but it will be a name that the multitudes will know and learn to live in fear and awe of. When I was alive the first time, I was but a slave of those above me. I had no authority, living in fear of retaliation of those above me. A coward and a fool, I deserved to be treated like dirt and thus was. We all have our place in the world, and I was right where I belonged, but finally I have arisen! I will never be treated like that again!” Jonathan seemed to be figuring out what he was simply by speaking to another one of him, and seemed to figuring it out, or at least figuring out what his answer to the question would be. However, even for Jonathan, accepting the position of being a divine would take some time. There continued to be sounds from beyond him and the girl, and it seemed to be getting even more rowdy. Jonathan could not imagine being able to contain all of it, no matter how great he felt about his ascendency. “If you truly wish to speak with me, follow me out of here,” Jonathan said. “It seems that our kindred have decided to break all hell. I can hear it even all the way out here. Since I see no chance in myself even now being able to stop it, I would best get out of here. This place is on fire, and it is no place that I would stay.”