Silence and darkness were his friends, stillness helped him let loose of the anchor his physical body represented and allowed his mind, his spirit to ascend and disperse within the intricate network the Force was. His master taught him that the more he would ignore the tiniest of distractions created by his body or the surroundings, the better he would feel the presence of the Force flowing through his body and interconnecting with the world around him; within this serene slip of the mind, he would be able to left massive objects and haul them anywhere he would wish, so long he would remain focused and strong. He was still far from achieving any extraordinary feats, but he knew that through perseverance he would eventually become just as good as his master, if not surpass him. Suddenly, there was a ripple within the weave of the force that passed through him, feeling as though it was a signal beckoning him. The peculiar event drew him back to reality, where his eyes opened up wide; he looked left and right, to catch his bearings, but he quickly figured out that he was still in his own, cramped quarters aboard Master Starsea's YT-2550 frigate. He stood up and rushed over to the personal terminal, where he immediately saw that there was a recorded message that arrived not too long ago; it was even more troubling to him that it was a very short, distraught and cryptic message. "[i]Take the Yit home. Waste no time.[/i]" He instantly recognized Master Starsea's voice, but it took Aleko him a few more moments to think through exactly what he meant. It didn't take him too long to figure out exactly what the man meant, as within the next moment, he stormed outside his quarters and jogged down the cramped, pipe-ridden corridor that lead to the cockpit, where he crashed into the pilot's seat. He figured out that, if the Master was careful enough to send such a cryptic message, he wanted his ship along with his apprentices at "home" as quickly as possible. His fingers danced over the sea of switches, knobs and levers, mechanically repeating what he was taught in order to launch the medium frigate into hyperspace. Once he had established a safe and quick route that would reach the Shipyards, he pulled the large lever on the right side of the seat, then, activate one final switch. He looked up, only to see the universe slowly grow distant, then, the white dots that represented the stars in front of him elongated until the critical moment where there was no more darkness, but only a flood of light as the ship transcended to superluminal speeds. [hr] The cargo bat ramp opened slowly, the hydraulics hissing as the metal lip just tapped against the Starsea Shipyard floor; from within, a tall, brunette human with green eyes brandishing a stern, but calm expression descended with careful steps as to make sure he would not slip and tumble on the hangar's floor. He knew his Master had arrived before him as he immediately spotted his star-fighter safely docked, relief immediately washed over him when he also spotted the seasoned man waiting for his apprentices. Aleko accelerated his pace, his light-grey robes flowing behind, revealing his dark blue Jedi clothing hiding beneath, a [url=]simple yet elegant hilt[/url] lightly tapping against the belt clip that held it in place. As soon as he was a few feet away from David Starsea, Aleko bowed his head and tapped his own chest with his right fist. "I came as soon as your message arrived, Master" he said, his baritone voice as calm as his presence and demeanor "the message troubled me, but it is a relief to see you well. I believe I've even felt a slight disturbance in the Force."