Madelyn was barely conscious when the militiaman brought her to Evelyn. She was barely conscious when the woman spoke. She heard tales of the legendary Knight-Captain, but never thought she would one day meet her, let alone be healed by her. Her weary eyes traced the lines of Evelyn'a face, the curves of her lips as she tried to decipher what was being said. A thought crept in her mind, [Color=#8FBC8F][i]Is this the end[/i][/color]. The thought however, was quickly shoved out when all of a sudden there was a horribly painful sensation from her leg. She let out a piercing scream as she gripped the sides of the table. The reality of the pain shifted her focus, and all she saw was red. The upper half of her body sprung forward, and she would've lunged for Evelyn had she not still been so tired. She grasped the woman's shoulders, emitting a low growl. [color=fff79a][b]"I've done what I can, you'll still feel some discomfort but it will pass as your body heals naturally"[/b][/color], Evelyn said as she finished her work on the leg. Finally realizing who had mended her leg, she let a soft sigh escape. [Color=#8FBC8F]"Thank you"[/color], she managed, [color=#8Fbc8f]"Madelyn, my name is Madelyn"[/color]. The words were low, chopped between breaths as she tried to compose herself.