[b]Name:[/b] Mar'Ament "The Formless One" "The Black Blood" [b]Physical Form:[/b] Mar, as one of his titles suggests, has no defined form, only being recognized most as like a black, blood-like fluid that can move on its own in any way it wants, taking up any shape or form that he wants or needs to. [b]Abilities:[/b] Is currently incapable of using magic, but can learn it. Physical combat ability is potentially unlimited, the only limiting factor how much mass he has. Is capable of learning flight, and is able to harden different parts of himself into rock-like, iron-like, or harder consistencies. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, tactical, observant, and to many uncaring or indifferent. To others, should they earn it, a good ally to have. [b]Wants/Needs:[/b] Doesn't exactly have any, though he has a thirst to learn and recover the history that was lost to him. Both of which he feels capable of doing himself. Does have a passive want of getting stronger, however. [b]Relationships:[/b] None for now. [b]Backstory:[/b] Mar has no memories from before he 'woke up'. So instead, I'll talk about when he was released. He was sealed inside an urn in some ruins right on the border of the elvish and dwarven territories, and a small group of elven warriors was sent to investigate, explore, and obtain anything of their people to bring back. One of them, a female elf, entered the chamber in which his urn resided. A couple of the other elves followed and they each went about searching the many bookshelves and few chest in the room. The female, unfortunately for her, touched the urn and it cracked from age. Right as that happened, the doors slammed shut, likely due to ancient magic, and a black blood from inside the urn shattered it as he lunged at the elf. One swing of the sword went right through it and did nothing, one swing was all she could do before it clung to her chest. She didn't feel it, but multiple small cut were made on her skin, then she felt the pain of the fluid entering her body through those cuts and her mouth and nose. Needless to say, he passed out and Mar took control, slaying the other elves in the room that tried to help her before he entered another dormant, restful state. The elf would wake up later, in a cage being drawn into the mountains by dwarves, feeling something inside her body and at the back of her mind. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing at the moment.