[quote=@Oxenfree] What would the classification be of a character whose primary power is altering their body into monstrous, yet physically capable forms? And would a character focused on hunting down other superpowered characters be welcome? [/quote] It depends for both questions. I'd need more information. Does the Wild Card afflicted stay visually the same, in a monstrous form when he's smaller? Can he control the change or is it more a "Jekyll and Hyde" situation? If either is the case, then a Joker-Ace would be a good area. As for the Wild Card hunter, again, more information. Why are they doing it? Are they working for someone? What's their powers, if they have any? Are they a Nat who still believes in the "Wild Card Menace" of the 50s? A MenAce, if you will? Do they work for the government? If so, why are they hunting aces and such? In here, doing something for the sake of doing it doesn't really cut it. This isn't the normal comic kinda superhero stories where the villain is bad "because he's the villain". There need to be clear, sane, underlying reasons. Aces became costumed heroes because of the public fear mongering in the 50s. They came out in the 60s because of a more liberal government and the Hippie movement. By all means, post your Char and I'll see how it fits in, but be aware, if I don't think it's up to par in some areas, I will say so. I'm tough but fair. [quote=@Guilty Spark] I like this. And: [img]http://i.imgur.com/TNkg2cI.gif[/img] [/quote] I like you. And: [img]https://bookpolygamist.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/anigif_mobile_6815575333e1b746638d6e1ad999a542-17.gif[/img] [quote=@pockets] I'm curious. Might have an idea for a character but I'm honestly not sure if he'd be considered a Deuce or an Ace. The power, I think, could be epic if applied properly. [/quote] Well that could be a good story arc. A 2nd gen Wild Card born with a deuce power is teased and bullied in his childhood and then, later in life, finds out his power is much more useful when applied in the correct circumstances. And don't forget, the description notes how they use their powers in interesting ways. There is a Character in the series called "Tinkerbill" AKA William Chen. His power is he can make a person glow sparkly pink for hours. Now how is that useful, you may ask? Well, Tinkerbill is a cop and he tags fleeing suspects with this pink glow, making them easily identifiable and traceable. If you're creative enough, a deuce power can be an interesting plot device.