[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4yYWY0MmIuVTI5d2FHbGguMA,,/elizajane.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/6b2f86f1-b6e7-4a0c-80a8-77e301170551_zpsuag0rsdr.jpg[/img] [color=00FF7F]"One of the Virtues of not being puritanical about sex is not feeling embarrassed after."[/color][/center] [u]Current Attire[/u] [url=http://www.onlinepromdress.com/upfile/Evening%20Dresses/2015%20Evening%20Dresses/Retro%20Style%20Plunging%20Neckline%20Sweep%20Train%20Cap%20Sleeves%20High%20Slit%20Black%20Lace%20Evening%20Dresses@2.jpg]Click here[/url] [u]Location[/u] Tavern Bar [@tigerchuffs]She locked eyes with him, her expression light, filled with gratitude as she recognized the maintenance man. [b]"Thank you kindly for fixing that for me. I sincerely appreciate it, sir."[/b] She smiled kindly, ignoring his brooding expression. He obviously was going to be a tough cookie to crack. He wasn't very social, which is why she hadn't recognized him at first. Being an employee, she knew better than to mix business with pleasure. A barrier fiercely enforced by the tavern owner. She wouldn't dare attempt going down that road with this handsome man for multiple reasons, although she enjoyed a challenge. [b]"As for the light fixtures, I've got all the time in the world darling, so take your time. Perhaps, I can buy you a drink and we can join Thomas and discuss the current renovation plans for the Basement."[/b] She took a sip of her champagne as she watched him take a long drink of wine, and rather unenthusiastic, turned to ascend the stairs. [b]"Whenever you have some free time, Grier."[/b] Turning, she sauntered over to Thomas who was sitting in the corner. As she closed the distance from the bar to the table, she acknowledged those she recognized and gave a friendly smile to those whom she didn't. Taking a seat across from Thomas, she smiled brightly. She was truly excited for the new renovations and the revenue that the club would bring. Not only for herself, but for all of the employees here. It was a much needed advancement which she welcomed with open arms. [b]"Hello Thomas."[/b] He was the picturesque of brute force and intimidation. She knew he would perform his job duties well. [@Snarfulblast] [right][color=00FF7F] [i]"You want me? I walk down the hallway You're lucky The bedroom's my runway."[/i] [/color][/right]