[center][h2]Damian Gerard|Rooftops and streets of Crocus to Phoenix Wing hotel[/h2][/center] Damian rolled over the chimney and landed on his feet, continuing the run and leaping over the gap between the two buildings and moving forward. he moved as fast as he could, aiming to get back and get cleaned up before the games started for the day. He'd been out extra early after his and Penny's date to get some air to think on something. They'd been together for two months now and he'd still not gotten her anything other than the necklace. Perhaps he should take some time later today to look around Crocus's jewelry stores. Or maybe he could get her a cat or puppy. Spotting the hotel, and wholly unaware of the scene going on in the foyer, he leaps over another gap and slides under a ventilation shaft. Magic had found many new uses since it started seeing widespread use again, and he actually secretly wondered if they'd been making advancements like this during magic's dark days and just released them when magic wasn't quite so despised. Jumping off the roof, he uses a Striker blade to get him in range to jump through his window and rolled, standing in the middle of his room and smiling. [color=FireBrick]"Right, now to get ready."[/color] He heads into the bathroom to get showered and cleaned up. [center][h2]James Hunt|Phoenix Wing hotel[/h2][/center] James didn't look up from his studies, sticking to his usual pattern of opting to learn his magic rather than socialize with his guild mates for the time being. [center][h2]Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel[/h2][/center] [center][@YipeeXD][@Joshua Tamashii][@Oblivion666][/center] Jack went from door to door, knocking on it and waking everyone up. Well, everyone except for Jackie, who had rested in his room after they'd talked for a bit. Once everyone was up, he headed down to see if breakfast was ready. [center][h2]Jane Addeson|Jane's Reckoning[/h2][/center] Yawning loudly, Jane sat up in her bed and looked around the small room she'd rented for the duration of her stay. It had the main room and a bathroom with a closet and that was it. And she didn't even use the closet for much more than somewhere to store her pack. [color=DeepPink]"Well, let's make the most of today."[/color] Sliding out of bed, she walked into the bathroom and removed her undergarments, those being the only thing she slept in when she had a room to sleep in. Stretching, she climbed into the shower and got cleaned off, climbed out, and got dressed. As she goes to grab her hilt, she pauses a moment and regards it, remembering the day she'd gotten it nine years prior. Her face had lit up with excitement and satisfaction and her father had been so happy for her. Just like the last three years, this day made her miss her parents. [color=DeepPink][i]Well, no point moping about it, just push on like they'd tell me to.[/i][/color] Picking up the hilt and locking it into place on her back just over her shoulder, she heads out into the city, happy despite the lonely feeling in the back of her mind. As she wandered around Crocus, she hummed to herself and tried to find someplace to get breakfast, finally settling on a nice, small cafe with an outdoor seating area. [i]"Ah, good morning, madam. Table for one?"[/i] Jane nodded and the host lead her to a seat outside, leaving her with a menu. The waiter came a couple of minutes later to get her order, which was waffles with sausage, bacon, hashbrowns and an orange juice. As she sat and waited for her meal, she spotted someone she'd been looking for the previous day in the Phoenix Wing section, Damian Gerard, otherwise known as the Blade of Phoenix Wing, as he approached the host at the front. [color=DeepPink][i]Well, that's lucky.[/i][/color] As he was seated at a table next to her, he started reading the menu. [color=FireBrick][i]Now then, what to eat...last time I had a steak, I got attacked by a friggin' Lightning God Slayer...ah, to hell with it.[/i][/color] When the waiter asked for his order, he got a medium-rare steak to go with fries and a milkshake. That was when he noticed the girl at the table near him watching her and he began praying that he wasn't about to get attacked again. [color=FireBrick]"Can I help you?"[/color] The girl didn't respond right away, almost like she was debating on what to do. [color=DeepPink]"Just seeing the legend be human. You're Damian Gerard right? I'm Jane, Jane Addeson."[/color] She offered her hand and Damian took it and shook it. [color=FireBrick]"Pleasure. I don't see a guild mark, I take it you're looking to join one?"[/color] Jane shrugged, sipping her soda while waiting on her food. [color=DeepPink]"Eventually maybe, but for now, just watching the Games, seeing who's looking to win come the end of the week."[/color] Damian nodded and the pair sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. A third person watched from a nearby alleyway, a black butcher's knife with blood dripping from it adorning his exposed shoulder. [b]"Soon enough, little Janey, very soon."[/b] He disappeared back into the alley way as the pairs food arrived and Damian left. Jane leaned back after taking a couple bites of her and looked up to the sky. [color=DeepPink]"Twenty-four today, mom and dad. And I'm in Crocus watching the Grand Magic Games. Wonder what you're doing..."[/color] She closed her eyes and imagined herself back at her family's camp, enjoying a cake her mother had made with the supplies they'd both found and bartered for. After a couple minutes, something blacked out the sun shining down on her face and she opened her eyes to find herself face to face with a large, muscle bound man with green hair, cloud grey eyes, and a dozen different scars on his arms alone. Across his left eye was what seemed to be a relatively fresh one. [color=DeepPink]"Whoa dude, personal space is a thing you know."[/color] [b]"Oh, I don't think you'll be so worried about personal space when we're done with you."[/b] The man takes a step back and she looks around, realizing that there was a group of about ten wizards around her. She turns back to the man and opens her mouth to question the reason for this but doesn't get to start as a giant fist slams into her and sends her careening down the street and into the window of a dress shop.