[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4yYWY0MmIuVTI5d2FHbGguMA,,/elizajane.regular.png[/img] [color=00FF7F]"One of the Virtues of not being puritanical about sex is not feeling embarrassed after."[/color][/center] [u]Current Attire[/u] [url=http://www.onlinepromdress.com/upfile/Evening%20Dresses/2015%20Evening%20Dresses/Retro%20Style%20Plunging%20Neckline%20Sweep%20Train%20Cap%20Sleeves%20High%20Slit%20Black%20Lace%20Evening%20Dresses@2.jpg]Click here[/url] [u]Location[/u] Tavern Bar [@Snarfulblast][b]"Sweet Willow is a doll. I'm glad she was the first one you've met.[/b] Sophia turned to see if any of the other employees were present, but was sad to see only Snarf was behind the bar, who was making an announcement concerning free drinks. Pointing to the dwarf, she spoke to Thomas. [b]"That's Snarf, our amazing bartender. He essentially can get you any "poison" you'd like."[/b] She held up her empty glass and nodded to the bartender that she would enjoy a refill of Cristal, especially if the horny "Devil" was buying. Her green eyes connected with an unfamiliar gentleman at the bar, whom she smiled elegantly at. [@Sombrero] Turning her attention back to Thomas, she added, [b]"There is a full list of employees on the notice board next to the bar, but I'm sure you'll get to meet everyone soon enough."[/b] [right][color=00FF7F] [i]"You want me? I walk down the hallway You're lucky The bedroom's my runway."[/i] [/color][/right]