[@Zarkun][@Expolar] Hey, just in case you guys didn't see Caits say this earlier, I have to wait to get approval from both of you as well before I can post for my new character. Here's the CS. [quote=@Raijinslayer] [hider=Character Sheet][b]Character Sheet (please delete anything in parentheses)[/b] Name: Ryker Cloudblood Age: 17 Birthday: January 16th Magic: Psionic Bloodline-Telekinesis: Ryker was born into a clan of Psionicsx, and while their abilities similarities to magic, it is actually isn't, at least, in the case that it doesn't run on Ethernano. Ryker's Psionic abilities use a completely different form of energy that come from an area of his brain that is unique to those in his family. This area works much like an origin does for a mage, even to the fact that different people have different affinities to certain Psionic abilities. However, unlike magic, there are more serious consequences for over-exterting this ability, anything from nervous system damage, paralysis, loss of said abilities and even death. As such, this skill requires slow and steady training to progress through it, meaning that even the fastest of learners still need years to cover and understand the basics. Not only that, but no matter how hard one may train, the raw power that they can produce can never be stronger than around what one would expect in a low A rank attack. They're incapable of causing massive amounts of damage a devastation like magic wielders can, which forces them to branch out to find more creative and inventive ways to use their abilities, so what they lack in power, they make-up for in variety. Ryker is a powerful telekinetic, able to use it in a variety of powerful and clever ways against his opponents. Also, these attacks a very hard to predict or read, because they can't seen or sensed through conventional means. Anything that blocks, negates, affects, or inhibits magic doesn't work on his telekinesis, nor can one use techniques to detect magic to predict his attacks. The only requirement for him to enact most attacks are that he has time to focus his mind, though the stronger/more complex uses require more time to focus on them. Examples would be launching a barrage of invisible punches at an opponent, lengthening the reach of his blade, and forming a telekinetic sensor ring around himself, letting him now where things are with 5 meters of him. Re-wire Magic: This is magic he learned from his family elder due to his impressive skill with Psionics at a young age, along with a tome on how to unlock and progress through psionic abilities, each level having a magical spell cast on it to keep people from attempting techniques they aren't ready for. This magic allows for the user to change the neurochemical make up of their brain temporarily with a magical pulse to allow them to use different abilities. This, of course, disables the users current Psionics ability for the duration of the spell, but gives them a wide array of abilities to access in the heat of battle. However, it can't be over-used without putting ones mind at risk of damage, some of which can be permanent and severe. The most that one should use this ability per battle is 3 times, maybe 4 but it'll be pushing it. Another use for this skill, however, is that it can be used to unlock Psionic abilities in others as well, though it's best to do a scan to see if it's even worth doing. A reading of below 30-45% will result in a power that is generally rather weak, 46-74% making for an ability that is about average for non-clan members, and can be used for both utility and combat purposes, though mostly at a secondary level. 75-90% is around average for clan members around the lower percentiles, but in general, these are strong Psionics with high potential and ability. 91-100% are above average, making for powerful Psionics that can use their abilities very well. Ryker, for example, was born with a 92%, and has since grown in power to a 93%. This may not seem like much, but Psionics who reach this level must work extremely hard to increase their abilities, making it so that the gap between percentages grow extemely larger with every percentile. Everyone can raise their Psionic abilities, of course, but it's a long process, so non-clan members with a low rating should generally just not even bother with it and focus on their other skills [hider=Re-wire skills] Tactile Telekinesis: Ryker forms a invisible layer of Telekinetic energy around his body, enabling him to simulate super stength, flight, limited invulnerability as the energy also acts like an armor, though strong enough can get through. Along with that, he can also reflect kinetic energy back against a target at the point of contact, making it so that if you hit him with a physical attack, the offending object, be it a limb or weapon, will be struck by an equal amount of force after the Intial impact, which doesn't prevent damage, but can prevent any attack from following through. Also allows him to deflect projectiles. Doesn't work on purely magical attacks. This ability also has the utility use if keeping the user safe from hazards by acting as a filter, keeping harmful xchrmicsks and substances from coming in contact with his body. Acuikinesis: Ryker can use his abilities to affect the sharpness of any object, to either enhance it's cutting ability or detract from it until the weapon could hardly slice through butter. To do this, he must touch the object or channel his ability through a weapon capable of doing so. With his current level of skill, nearly anything he punches can become a deadly capable of cutting through solid metal, from pipes to ribbons to the very air itself, anything he comes in contact with can become deadly within a moment's notice. Electrokinesis: This ability allows him to manipulate electrical energy in a variety if ways, as well as offering a hardy resistance to it as well. This is done by taking the opposing electrical force and channeling it into his nervous system, which had the added benefit of increasing his reaction time. After a cerain point, however, it stops taking in new energy to prevent overloading and he then ales damage like normal. Offensive, along with shooting out bolts if lightning, he can also manipulate electromagnetic forces to take on a pseudo-Ferrokinesis, manipulating metals like steel and what not with strong magnetic fields. Makes him a very tricky opponent for those who rely on conventional metal weapons, as he can ground them all by attaching a strong electromagnetic field to another metal object. Audiokinesis:This lets Ryker manipulate sound waves, either offensively or defensively, and this ability can make him very dangerous indeed. With just a simple barrage of tones and notes, he can mess with an opponents equillbrium, completely destroying their coordination ability as they struggle to tell their rights from their lefts, not to me took the powerful sonic attacks he can use, either going big with forceful waves of sound, or targeting the ears directly with small, precise burst heading straight for the weak spot. [/hider] Magic Level: A History: Ryker has spent the last 8 years of his life as a bounty hunter, hunting down criminals and dark guilds in hopes of finding the man he knows only by fragmented memories. A figure draped in shadow that killed everyone in his clan home, for reasons unknown. Ryker only survived because he'd fallen down a hole and knocked unconscious. When he awoke, his town was nearly obliterated, and everywhere he looked was a street or a home that had been painted with gore. His family was not spared, and all he had to rendered then by was the sword and gun his father had been planning to give him on his birthday, to commemorate his basic mastery of his abilities, the youngest to receive such an honor. The rage and anger of that moment intensified as he searched through the wreckage, finding bits and pieces of his life with every step. A story came to his mind that would drive him forward fir the rest of his days, a story of an elite group of warriors the clan once had to take revenge on anyone who would dare to harm it. Their skin was bleached white with the ashes of their kinsman, their eyes a malevolent shade of glowing violet to signify their otherworldly nature. The groups name has faded from memory along with the practice of keeping such warriors. But now they shall rise again through Ryker, to seek out a take vengeance on the man who killed his family. Personality: Ryker, once a normal young boy, has been driven to the edge of insanity by an obsession with vengeance and a belief that magic is inherently evil due to a Mage being the one who butchered his entire clan. This has lead to him becoming a erratic, over-zealous individual with a somewhat unsettling edge to him. Despite his issues, he does generally believe in doing good and helping people. It just his methods of doing it that can be seen as over the top and extreme. Guild and guild mark location: N/A Team Members: N/A Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. High level of Mental Fortitude 2. Is able to easily multi-task both in and out of combat 3. Is very adept in the less overt uses of Telekinesis Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Is completely driven by his need for vengeance 2. Lacks a strong sense of morality and has an extreme view on matters of justice 3. Over-confident in his abilities Greatest Love: Fighting and defeating strong enemies Motivation: His greatest motivation is to become stronger so that he can take vengeance on the man who slaughtered his clan and to rebuild his clan from the ground up with his own two hands. Appearance: He's around 6 feet, with a lanky frame, skin that's covered in a special type of paint to make it look completely white. His body is covered with tribal tattoos outlining his nervous system, stopping at the base of his neck. His has been shaved completely, and he has outlined his eyes with a messy application of black paint. He wears only a large black houses cloak and some ragged blacks jeans as his only clothing, as he doesn't care much for how people see him. Additional Details: He carries with him a blade and a powerful revolver that can channel his Psionic abilities into them with various helpful affects. Telekinesis allows him to more easily maneuver his sword and guide the path of the revolvers bullets. Tactile Telekinesis allows him to strengthen his blade and use kinetic rebound to make it seem like his sword us able to hit harder than it actually can, and actually succeeds in breaking most weapons as the rebound is focused on the sane area repeatedly. For the revolver, the telekinetic field creates a somewhat explosive effect when it hits a target, bursting with great force upon impact. Electrokinesis gives the obvious effects of adding electricity to the attacks, giving them a chance to paralyze the target and making it hard to block his attacks with metal objects. Acuikinesis makes his sword extremely sharp, and his revolver remains pretty much unaffected. Audiokinesics makes it so that the swing if the blade can cause a wave of sound to go hurdling in that direction, while the revolver gains instant silencing capabilities, and can even throw the sound of the gun shot to where the bullet hits. Can also create billet m-sized pellets of sound.[/hider] [/quote]